Steigen Pride was completed – cancellation of Oslo Pride – news Nordland

Night to Saturday, a person started shooting around him in Oslo. Two people have been confirmed dead, ten people are seriously injured and eleven are slightly injured. The perpetrator is now charged with murder, attempted murder and terror. The shooting is said to have taken place at the nightclubs “Per på hjørnet” and “London Pub”. The latter is known for being a gathering place for gays. On Saturday morning, the message came that Oslo Pride was canceled following a recommendation from the police. Much further north, in Steigen in Nordland, they carry out their event as planned. – We go for all those who can not go today. Pride becomes more important on a day like this, says organizer Marianne Gulli. – Better to be together After the cancellation of Oslo Pride, it has been encouraged that it be marked elsewhere. – We encourage the whole of Norway to show solidarity and mark pride at home, in their neighborhoods and hamlets, said leader of Oslo Pride Inger Kristin Haugsevje. Gulli informs news that the event in Steigen is largely going as planned. LOVE IS LOVE: Steigen in Nordland carried out pride after a close dialogue between the municipality, the police and the organizer. Photo: Ingrid Marie Marhaug Gerhardsen – After a security assessment with the police, we carry out as planned. It is better to be together than each of us on a day like today. It means marketplace, speeches and parade. Throughout the evening, a party was originally planned, but it is toned down. – We are here as long as people want to be together, but it will probably not be the same party. According to the national overview of pride events, only Oslo and Steigen planned the event on Saturday. Many showed up during Steigen Pride. Photo: Ingrid Marie Marhaug Gerhardsen Gulli is happy they in collaboration with the police and the municipality have been allowed to gather. – This can create fear in some. And there is room for all emotions, including tears. We have many hugs to give out. Together we will emerge stronger from this. – Bring all the emotions so that we can cope with the fear and grief together. – It is right and important that we present Ingrid Marie Marhaug Gerhardsen (19) is herself from Steigen. She is a member of the event committee and has worked hard over the past year and is looking forward to today. Waking up to tragic news from Oslo was anything but what Gerhardsen had envisioned. – Mom said I had to check the news. I cried for a long time and panicked. She understands that Oslo Pride was canceled, but emphasizes that it is tragic. – It is a national tragedy that it was canceled in Oslo, and I thought about what in the world we should do here in Steigen, she says to news. When they now celebrate – it is for all those who are not allowed to celebrate today. Steigen Pride was marked with several speeches. Photo: Ingrid Marie Marhaug Gerhardsen – It is important and correct that we mark and line up. When something so sad happens, it is even more important that we as a society stick together. She adds: – That little Steigen can stand steady and send a signal, I think is nice. I am proud of my municipality and the others who are involved in arranging. Today we celebrate for all who do not get to celebrate. On Saturday morning, temporary national armament of emergency personnel was introduced. The Norwegian Police Directorate is following the situation closely and there is now an intelligence collaboration between the police and PST. The police districts will consider security related to local pride events throughout the weekend. NORD-TROMS PRIDE: Also further north, in the center of Storslett, people met to show support. Photo: Nord-Troms pride Aase Refsnes, the mayor of Steigen municipality, tells news that there has been a close dialogue between the municipality, the organizer and the police in connection with the implementation in Steigen.
