Staysman lost weight

Nye Østfold is due soon. On New Year’s Day, the old county is back on the Norwegian map, together with Vestfold, Telemark, Buskerud, Akershus, Troms and Finnmark. Now several well-known artists mark the resurrection of Østfold with a new song. Behind the song “Det Ville Østen” are Eastfolders Henning Kvitnes, Ole Evenrud and Stian “Staysman” Thorbjørnsen. A song about the county with thick l’s and proximity to the harry trade. – Being Harry is a title of honour. It’s nice to be able to shop in Sweden, so I can’t see it as something negative, says Stian “Staysman” Thorbjørnsen. He is known to many as a reality TV participant, presenter and artist. “Staysman” has, among other things, led the Melodi Grand Prix and participated in the program Hver gang vi sønder on TV 2. The music video was produced by Jan-Petter Dahl. Tributes to Henning Kvitnes The initiative for the song came from Ole Evenrud from Haldense in the autumn, and the trio has in a short time written the stanzas, recorded the song and released it. The timing could not have been better, according to “Staysman”. – It seemed to fit very well that we should be in Østfold again in the new year, he says. Stian “Staysman” Thorbjørnsen, Henning Kvitnes and Ole Evenrud are behind a song “Det Ville Østen” about Østfold. Photo: Julia Marie Naglestad/TV2/Jan Petter Dahl “We are heard and we preach, and say hællæ”. “In little Østfold, where I come from”. These are some of the stanzas in the text. – It’s very strange to hear your own voice in a song that Henning Kvitnes is on. I have listened to his songs very, very much, he says. In 2019, Thorbjørnsen performed a similar song about Østfold and the identity of the county, in a song made by news Østfold. At the time there was talk of a breakup and he performed the song in news’s ​​studio: Morran and Eftan on news P1 have created this tribute to Norway’s finest county. Has lost weight In the music video, we see a slimmer version of Thorbjørnsen. He will not reveal how many kilos he has lost. – There will be a TV program in the new year, and I can safely say that it has something to do with it, he says. – Is it about losing tens of kilos? Stian Staysman Thorbjørnsen has hosted a number of programs on Norwegian TV. Here from Melodi Grand Prix 2023. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB – I can’t say that either. Training has become part of everyday life, he laughs. He believes that it still hasn’t dawned on him that the kilos are gone. – It is said that it takes 91 days to change a habit and I have been training for over 100 days. I recently caught myself looking for a gym on the go, says “Staysman”. This is how much it costs to dissolve the counties A lot of money has been and will be spent on dissolving the large counties in Norway. Viken county council will cost NOK 385 million. Large parts of the costs go to changes to ICT systems. For Vestfold and Telemark, the price tag will be NOK 150 million. In Troms and Finnmark, the resolution will cost NOK 75 million. Source: Municipal Report Several large counties are split From New Year’s Day, several large counties in Norway are being split up. But whether everyone has their own song is not known. This is what the new county division will look like from 1 January 2024. Photo: The Government of Vestfold and Telemark will become Vestfold and Telemark separately. The same happens with the greater county of Troms and Finnmark, which splits in two. And the conurbation of Viken is divided into Østfold, Akershus and Buskerud. – I saw a news item a short time ago where it had cost us in Østfold over 700 million to move from Østfold, to Viken and back to Østfold. Now things are soon back to normal again, laughs Stian “Staysman” Thorbjørnsen.
