Stavanger man is said to have defrauded the family for double-digit million – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– The family has reported him to the police for gross fraud and extensive financial fraud. It has been a stressful time of grief and despair. The man’s brother tells news. news knows the identity of the brother, but chooses to anonymize him. For the past five years, the Stavanger man has convinced his family that it is a secret organization that is spying on them. He has told this story for so long and so many times that the family finally began to believe it. As a result, they gave him control over their bank accounts. Something the Stavanger man must have exploited. According to the family, he must have swindled them for around 14 million kroner. Debt for gambling He is said to have used their money and sold the family house in Stavanger, as well as paid large sums to a foreign gambling company. – He has wasted money that he probably has not had, and stole money from the family to pay down the debt. He has cheated the family into financial ruin, says a friend of the family who wishes to remain anonymous. In September, he was reviewed by the family. Since then, he has been underground, until in April he appeared on social media and began to scam unsuspecting Norwegians as well. – We are very sorry that he has been allowed to continue to deceive others despite the fact that we reported him to the police in September 2021. We strongly dissociate ourselves from his actions, the brother says. Appeared on Facebook Emil Lock is one of those he has tried to cheat. Lock was looking for a special type of light mixer, and posted an ad on a buying and selling group on Facebook. After a while, he received a private message that a person had one for sale. The person even sent a couple of pictures of the light mixer. Emil Lock characterizes his loss as a small fish in the big pond. Photo: Privat Lock became skeptical, when the person spent a little while sending the pictures. He therefore used a reverse image search on Google, but could not find the image he received. Therefore, he agreed with the seller to buy. But due to some skepticism, he paid only 50 percent in advance. – He gave me his full name and account number, Lock says. But could not completely put it off. He made another attempt to search for the image. This time in Bing. Such was the conversation between Emil Lock and the man accused of fraud in Stavanger. Photo: Private Now he found it. – But then I had already paid 8000 kroner. Considering what the family has lost, I am a small fish in the big pond here, but still, he says. Arrested in Romania The family explains that they have not had contact with their brother since the report. – We hope he acknowledges his mistakes and takes the consequences of what he has done, the brother says to news. He has now been arrested and charged with several profiteering offenses, including two cases of gross fraud. In addition, on May 6, he was further charged with eleven new frauds. The arrest took place in Romania at the beginning of May this year, and it was decided to extradite the accused to Norway on 17 May. The man was remanded in custody for four weeks in Sør-Rogaland District Court earlier this spring. – The accusation is that he has swindled 12 million against various victims. Not just against the family, says police attorney Cecilie Tonning to news. The man’s defender, Pål Oskar Minde, does not want to comment on the case at this time. The accused has acknowledged the facts. The case has also been mentioned in Aftenbladet.
