Stavanger Airport evacuated Friday afternoon – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

According to Stavanger Aftenblad, the police confirm that the airport is open again. The police confirmed to news that the airport had been evacuated, as did airport director Anette Sigmundstad in Avinor. – There is an unclear situation in the security control, which means that routines have been followed and the terminal evacuated, says Sigmundstad. On Twitter at 15:38 the police write that they received a message that Stavanger Airport Sola was evacuated due to a possible suspicious object in the security checkpoint at the airport. The Sør-West police district now reports that the object is under control, and the evacuation has been completed. – This is a busy time of day, and of the week, so there will probably be some delay consequences, said airport director Anette Sigmundstad before the situation was clarified. She did not know the reason for the evacuation.
