Statskog closes grouse hunting in southern Norway – Latest news – news

25 August 2023 at 06:54 Statskog closes grouse hunting in southern Norway Statskog’s counts show positive signs in the north, but from Trøndelag and south the development in the population is so weak that the state agency closes its areas for grouse hunting. Before each hunting season, Statskog analyzes the development in the catch and population of grouse and forest birds. Each individual area is analyzed to determine how much can be hunted within the framework of sustainable management. The figures from the areas in Trøndelag and further south are bad news for tens of thousands of Norwegian grouse hunters. – With a couple of small exceptions, this year it is only from Nordland and further north that, according to our analyses, there is a harvestable grouse surplus, says Jo Inge Breisjøberget, Head of Department at Statskog.
