Statsbygg recommends closing Bredtveit prison temporarily due to fire safety concerns – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

After an assessment of the risk of fire, Statsbygg recommends that Bredtveit women’s prison be closed temporarily. This is written by the Directorate of Correctional Services (KDI) in a press release. KDI starts with immediate measures to reduce the risk. The prison will be closed as soon as the inmates have been moved to other prisons. Moving inmates to other prisons The inmates must be moved to prisons where they can be followed up in a good way, says KDI. They have started work to find out where it is best to move the inmates. Bredtveit prison will be temporarily closed as soon as the inmates have been moved to other suitable prisons. No one loses their job In order to lower the risk before the temporary closure takes place, some measures will be put in place at the prison, related to fire and evacuation, KDI informs. Current measures are fewer inmates and increased night staffing. KDI and the Correctional Services Region East confirm that no one will lose their job as a result of the temporary closure. KDI, Statsbygg and the Ministry of Justice will look at long-term solutions for Bredtveit once the acute situation has been resolved. In a bad state On Tuesday, the ministry had a meeting about the closure together with KDI, the Correctional Services Region East and Statsbygg. The background was that Statsbygg, which owns the building mass, is concerned about fire safety. After an inspection, Statsbygg concludes that the prison is in a very poor condition and they are concerned about fire safety. The fire and rescue agency in Oslo municipality has also had supervision. Statsbygg believes that it is risky to stay in the prison. They therefore recommend that the current use of the buildings cease as soon as possible. Employees informed today The decision to close does not apply to the department with a lower security level, B2, which is geographically located some distance from the main buildings at Bredtveit. Trade unions and employees at Bredtveit were informed at a general meeting this afternoon. When the acute situation has been resolved, future solutions for Bredtveit will be assessed, according to KDI.
