Statkraft’s net operating income increased by 5.1 billion – Latest news – news

11 November 2022 at 08:03 Statkraft’s net operating income increased by 5.1 billion Statkraft had a strong result in the third quarter, driven by high power prices and solid contributions from market activities. Net operating income increased to NOK 13.2 billion from NOK 8.1 billion in the third quarter of 2021. The result after tax ended at NOK 3.8 billion. That is 1.1 billion less than in the same quarter last year. – Historically high power prices have been a continuing burden for European consumers and industry. Statkraft reduced its hydropower production in southern Norway considerably in order to store water for the coming winter, says CEO Christian Rynning-Tønnesen. The occupancy rate in southern Norway has risen recently and is now higher than at the same time last year.
