State administrator opens inspection after the deaths in Spydeberg – Latest news – news

20 January 2023 at 09:31 State Administrator opens inspection after the deaths in Spydeberg The State Administrator writes in a press release. VG mentioned the press release first. – In the first instance, we will investigate whether the girls have received proper help and follow-up from the child welfare service in Indre Østfold municipality, the Fossum collective and the Norwegian Children’s, Youth and Family Agency (Bufetat), the report says. Twin sisters Mina Alexandra (16) and Mille Andrea Hjalmarsen (16) were found dead in Spydeberg on the night of Sunday 8 January. It is suspected that they died of an overdose. The girls lived at the institution Fossumkollektivet. – As part of the inspection, we will, among other things, examine how the various services have cooperated to ensure holistic help for the girls, says Mari Hagve, director of the social and child welfare department. According to the report, it may be appropriate to extend the inspection to also apply to healthcare services. – The Norwegian Health Authority has sent notifications to the State Administrator in Oslo and Viken. When we receive the notifications, we will review the information and assess whether it also provides a basis for further supervisory follow-up, the message states. Two men have been charged over the deaths. A man in his late 20s is charged with negligent homicide, while an 18-year-old man is charged with having left the twins in a helpless state.
