Starts questioning of the accused and witnesses – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Two days have currently been set aside for the first interrogations of the 18-year-old woman who was arrested at the scene shortly after the murder. – We aim to start questioning tomorrow and according to the plan we will continue beyond Friday, says police inspector Odd Skei Kostveit at the South-East police district. Emergency room staff are questioned At the weekend, according to the plan, a witness to the murder itself will be questioned, as well as witnesses the police hope can say something about the sequence of events leading up to the murder. Police Inspector Odd Skei Kostveit. Photo: Vilde Jagland / news – There is talk, among other things, of a witness who from outside the apartment is said to have seen parts of the incident when the murder was committed, says Kostveit. As news was able to tell yesterday, this witness is the mother of the murdered 22-year-old. However, Kostveit will still not confirm this. – We will also question witnesses to the victim’s movements prior to the act of murder itself. It concerns, among other things, employees at the emergency room in Porsgrunn, says the police inspector. Two experts will assess the accused news reported on Monday that the accused 18-year-old called the police operations center from the Porsgrunn municipal emergency room a few hours before the murder. Then she and the now deceased 22-year-old had visited the emergency room in the wake of a violent incident between them. Employees at the emergency room must be questioned by the police. Photo: Berit Heggholmen / news – We have also requested that the court appoint two experts to carry out a so-called forensic psychiatric examination of the accused. It is quite common in murder cases, says Kostveit. He adds that the assessment will probably be available within three months. Preliminary autopsy report ready Kostveit can also say that the police have received the preliminary autopsy report. – It does not contain anything that was unexpected for us. The conclusion there is in accordance with the sequence of events we believe is most likely, says the police inspector. As news reported yesterday afternoon, the 22-year-old must have been hit several times with a bat. The blows were inflicted inside the apartment while the 22-year-old’s mother stood outside the home as a helpless witness to what happened.
