Starting a patient organization for those injured after the corona vaccine – news Vestland

– The truth here is far greater than that the corona vaccines are safe and effective, as we are told. There are a lot of us who have had major ongoing problems, says Karl-Erik Hordnes (43) in Bergen. Three weeks after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, he became acutely ill in autumn 2021. – It was exhaustion, high pulse, lactic acid in the legs, brain fog , concentration problem. The former active outdoorsman is still 60 per cent sick. He gets easily and suddenly exhausted. – It’s almost like someone turning on a dimmer, then the energy goes completely to the bottom. Karl-Erik Hordnes was a keen nature photographer and hiker. Two years after the corona vaccine, he still has very little energy. Photo: Leif Rune Løland / news Almost 200 members Last autumn he appeared in a TV 2 report. – On the same day, feedback started pouring in from people from all over the country, who could finally read something they could recognize. Then I found out that a working group had to be started here, which gradually became an association for those who are vaccine-injured after the corona vaccines. The association VaxVeritas now has almost 200 members: both vaccine-injured and other supporting members. – With an organization like this, you don’t feel so alone with having problems caused by the vaccines, says Rune Larsen Aune (35) in Brønnøysund. – It is important to bring to light that there is someone who has not taken this vaccine. We vaccine-injured people are a lost group, says Bergen resident Vibeke Larsen (52). The association demands recognition, treatment and compensation for these patients. Norwegians put up a strong line-up of women and men in the “vaccination campaign”. Over 8,000 have reported suspected serious side effects and delayed damage. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news – We were part of this effort. When we are down as a result of side effects, we know that we are not being taken seriously. – The assurances that the vaccine was safe and effective is an insult to many people who have taken this vaccine in good faith, Hordnes believes. Bygdanytt mentioned the association first. – The effects of beavers are downplayed 4.3 million Norwegians – 80 per cent of the population – have taken at least one dose of the vaccine against covid-19. The Norwegian Medicines Agency has per On 21 September, 8,052 cases were registered where serious side effects from the corona vaccine are suspected, but underlines that this “does not necessarily mean that there is a causal connection with the vaccine”. They conclude that there is “no basis for changing the current general recommendations for vaccination”. 1575 people have per On 1 October, Norwegian Patient Compensation (NPE) applied for compensation for such ailments. Rune Larsen Aune was an active hunter and shooter before he took the corona vaccine. He thinks the vaccine gave him MS. Photo: Privat So far, there have been more than twice as many refusals as approvals. 321 people have received a total of NOK 15 million in compensation, i.e. NOK 47,700 on average. 694 people have been refused.​​​​​​ – I feel that the side effects that are serious are downplayed, says Larsen Aune. He has been diagnosed with MS, which is not publicly approved as a side effect of the corona vaccine. Vibeke Larsen was diagnosed with ME in May. She has had it confirmed that the vaccine gave her pericarditis. But she has not been able to establish that the vaccine is the cause of ME. – Every day now is planning small activities and time to rest. Every morning I wake up with the feeling of a “hangover” after a really good party, she says. For a year and a half, Vibeke Larsen has only managed to work 30 percent, and mostly only in her home office on the sofa. Photo: Leif Rune Løland / news The ministry: – Must take them seriously State Secretary Ole Henrik Krat Bjørkholt says Health – and the Ministry of Care are concerned with honest and open communication about both the advantages and disadvantages of vaccination. – It is absolutely essential that there is to be trust in the population in the vaccines that the governing authorities recommend. It is then important to emphasize that at population level there are enormous health benefits from both corona vaccination and influenza vaccination. – Serious side effects are very rare. But it does not help those who are affected by these serious side effects. And we must take that very seriously. – They are provoked by the governing authorities’ assurances beforehand and afterwards that the corona vaccine is safe and effective. – I understand that very well. When the communication to the governing authorities does not match their experience, it is clear that it can seem provocative. It is very important that you contact the healthcare system. Then one must expect to be taken seriously and that it will be paid out, says Bjørkholt. – The corona vaccination gave enormous health benefits, but it does not help those who had serious side effects, admits State Secretary Ole Henrik Krat Bjørkholt. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news – But they mostly get the answer that no causal link has been proven for many of the ailments they struggle with. – It is the Norwegian Medicines Agency that has the knowledge about it in Norway and collaborates with international research communities. But it is often difficult to demonstrate a direct connection. A requirement for receiving compensation is that you can show a probable connection. – We are not vaccine opponents, Bjørkholt says, the knowledge about vaccine side effects is becoming increasingly detailed. And that both MS and ME are something that is being researched a lot internationally. – I am confident that there are many more side effects that will be approved than what is approved today, says Hordnes. Hordnes believes the governing authorities have abdicated responsibility for anyone who suffered serious and long-term side effects from the corona vaccine. Photo: Leif Rune Løland / news VaxVeritas has received help from professionals for a survey among people who believe they have delayed damage after the corona vaccination. Hordnes encourages people to participate. He then wants to meet the Minister of Health to present the results of the investigation. The three news have met emphasize that they are not vaccine opponents or were afraid to take the corona vaccine. – I have never been skeptical of a single vaccine. I took the vaccine because I thought it was important. I have been completely uncritical of the corona vaccine, but have become very critical, says Hordnes. – It didn’t occur to me for a second that it could be dangerous, says Larsen Aune. State Secretary Bjørkholt reacts to this patient group being criticized for vaccine resistance. – It is completely unreasonable. This is a person who has personally experienced having their life turned upside down by serious side effects from medical treatment or vaccines. I have to recognize and respect that, and not put them in that type of box. And society must have a system that is ready to help, he says. State Secretary Bjørkholt says it is often difficult to demonstrate a direct connection between vaccination and delayed injury at an individual level. Photo: Esten Borgos That is not the case today, Hordnes believes: – Lack of follow-up from the health authorities and lack of recognition through patient compensation seems to me to be a complete scandal. – It is a big abdication of responsibility that vaccination is the health authority’s table, while side effects are the GP’s, he believes.
