Start supporter visited naked by police during football match in Fredrikstad – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

During the football match between Fredrikstad and Start on Sunday afternoon, there were several confrontations between the police and supporters. One of the supporters was taken out of the supporters’ field during the match. The police suspected that he was wearing pyrotechnics. – Plainclothes police come towards me and take me outside. Then there is a ruckus because the others react to the police entering the field, says the supporter to news. He claims he did not resist the police and went to the bathroom behind the away team’s supporters’ field. – When I entered the bathroom, I was asked to undress. I wanted to keep my trousers on, and felt violated, says the man who claims the police found nothing illegal on him. A video shared on social media shows a few seconds of the situation inside the toilet. There, the police officer says that he will be reported. news has spoken to the person who filmed the video. – Supporters should not be treated like that by the police, says the Start supporter who was strip-searched. Naked during a football match: – I don’t want to undress for all the police suspected of possessing pyrotechnics. The supporter reacts to the police’s use of force – Damn bad The supporter claims the police came at him when he picked up two drumsticks to play. – I think it’s really bad that they just come to me like that. It’s not just me, this is how they go about it in general, he claims. The police will not comment on the case on Sunday afternoon. – We are aware of the matter and it will be followed up by the management tomorrow. Further comments on the case will not be given tonight, says operations manager Jon Erik Nygård in the East police district. Start supporters from Kristiansand at the Fredrikstad stadium during the match between FFK and Start. Photo: Rahand Bazaz / news Together with a number of supporters from the Kristiansand team Start, he travels around the country and coast to follow the football club. He believes he was at the match to create an atmosphere. – It has never been a problem anywhere, but now the police needed marking. I don’t want to undress in front of everyone, he says despairingly after the match. Supporter club Tigerberget confirms the incident at the Fredrikstad stadium, but has not heard anything about why the police searched the supporter. Events manager in Fredrikstad, Ole Martin Feet, says they have registered disagreements and police involvement on the away field during the match. – We invite to a party and want people to enjoy themselves, so it’s a shame that someone uses the match as an arena to create horror. We will continue to cooperate with the police, says Feet. Start supporters furious at the police after the end of the match in Fredrikstad. The supporter in question who was strip-searched is among them here. Photo: Rahand Bazaz / news Elden: – Must have a very specific suspicion In 2019, two police officers were reported for having naked visited two Rosenborg supporters in a tent outside the Aker stadium in Molde. The Bureau of Police Affairs believed at the time that a strip search was right because it would maintain peace and order, and because it would ensure safety for other people around. Attorney John Christian Elden. Photo: Valentina Baisotti / news The Attorney General agreed that this was a means they could use. Lawyer John Christian Elden represented the Rosenborg supporters in 2019, and believes the police cannot use more force than necessary. – The police must have a very specific suspicion and the place they search must be suitable for finding fireworks. If not, it is in any case not legal, says Elden today. Several supporters were detained by the police after the match ended. Photo: Rahand Bazaz / news Are you thinking of something? Hi! Do you want to tip me off about a possible case? Feel free to contact us by e-mail.
