Standing for election to fight against more cabin construction – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The matter in summary Half of the respondents in the largest municipalities with mountain huts believe that cabin construction should be limited 82 percent believe that the cabin tourists overall contribute positively to the municipality Only 12 percent of the respondents in the opinion poll believe that cabin construction is decisive for what they will vote In Vinje, it has been built 5,500 cabins and 1,500–2,000 new plots of land are included in the municipality’s plans It has led to an uprising among people in the village, and now opponents have created a political party The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Cabin construction eats up more and more of nature and villages, and divides the local population. In a recent opinion poll conducted by Norstat for news in ten municipalities with the most inland cabins, 50 percent responded that cabin construction should be limited in the coming years. Irja Godal, who initiated the cottage uprising in Vinje in Telemark, is not surprised. – The more cabins there are, the more people notice the consequences of that. In the municipalities rich in cottages, people are beginning to see that enough is enough, says Godal. Irja Godal has chosen to get involved in politics in Vinje to stop more cabin construction in the municipality. Photo: KEN MARCUS CHRISTENSEN / news She is standing for election for the first time on a cross-party list to slow down the construction of cabins. At the same time, 82 per cent believe that cabin tourists overall contribute positively to the municipality. For Andrei Stefan Ursu, who runs his own company in Vinje, the cabin tourists mean that there will be more jobs. For Andrei Stefan Ursu, who runs his own company in Vinje, the cabin construction means a lot. – It is important to have cabins here, and important to build as it is now. There are jobs for everyone and many tourists. 1,022 residents of these municipalities were asked in the poll: Hol Sigdal Ringsaker Trysil Ringebu Nord-Aurdal Vinje Sirdal Oppdal Orkland Do you think the municipalities should limit cabin building in the coming years? Thinks the cabins come too close In Vinje, 5,500 cabins have been built. But 1,500–2,000 new plots are included in the municipality’s plans. This has led to an uprising among people in the village. Now opponents have created a political party. – It went from being very positive with more people in the shops and more for craftsmen to do, to a little too much pressure in the outback grazing and the wild reindeer area, and that the cabins creep a little too close to the walls of people’s houses, says Irja Godal. The aim is to get two or three representatives into the municipal council to slow down the construction of cabins. – It takes 15-20 years from when a plan is made until you see the result and start to feel it on your body. Then it’s too late. Therefore, people should think about it now, she says. Mayor of Nord-Aurdal, Knut Arne Fjelltun (Sp), believes the cabins are important for the municipality. Mayor of Nord-Aurdal, Knut Arne Fjelltun. Photo: Arne Sørenes / news – We have as many cabins as we have residents in Valdres, so it is clear that they contribute positively to builders, contractors, janitorial services and trade, he says. He is still not surprised that many in the village believe that enough is enough. – Those are the signals we have heard. When a number of cabins have been established in an area, the focus will be where you want to reduce and build less cabins, he says. He himself believes that the municipality has room for more cabins, but in the areas that have cabins today. – I think we should think carefully before breaking new ground, he says. Affects rural people’s everyday life Marianne Singsaas at Telemarksforskning researches the consequences of cabin construction. Senior researcher Marianne Singsaas at Telemarksforskning researches the consequences of cabin construction. Photo: KEN MARCUS CHRISTENSEN / news The biggest conflicts arise in the places where cottage development takes place in the village, says the senior researcher. Although the construction of cabins leads to more trade and construction activity, it puts a lot of pressure on the municipal economy, she explains. Local politicians must decide whether they want development or protection, points out Singsaas. – The cabin tourists affect people’s everyday life in the village, both at work and in their free time. Municipal politicians must take that seriously. But the researcher sees a change. – I feel that many municipalities have gone through a change in mood now, where there is more focus on slowing down and looking at what future we have. And what better time than to take it during an election campaign period. In Norway, there are almost half a million cabins, according to Statistics Norway. The Norwegian Institute for Natural Research (NINA) has calculated that areas the size of 200,000 football pitches have been set aside for new cabins. – The cabin tourists are very pleasant, they come again and again, says Karin Hauge Knudsen. Need the cabins Many people in Vinje believe that the cabins are important for the municipality. – We need them all. It is part of Rauland. If not, there won’t be shops here or anything. Everything will be shut down, says Karin Hauge Knudsen. Only 12 per cent of those questioned in the poll believe that cabin construction is decisive for what they will vote for, the poll shows. Bjørg Dahle believes there are enough cabins now, but that the question is not decisive for what she will vote for. For Bjørg Dahle, it is not decisive. – Cabin construction is not very important. It’s great that there are many cabins, but I think that’s enough for me, she says. Party barometer cottage municipalities This is how the voters in ten surveyed cottage municipalities will vote in the municipal elections. Compared to elections in 2019.Party Support Change27.5%AP−8,021.4%SP−11,013.6%H+4.17.1%PP+4.46.0%FRP+2.45.1%SV+1, 45.1%V+2.13.1%INP+3.12.2%MDG−0.42.1%KRF−0.22.1%R+1.14.7%Other+1.9Click the party circle to see the full party name. Based on 1021 interviews conducted in the period 22.8.23–24.8.23. Margins of error from 1.2–3.8 pp. Source: Norstat The most important reason for the Pensioners’ Party’s good result in the cottage municipality survey is due to progress in the populous municipality of Ringsaker, where the party also had a good election in 2019
