Ståle Solbakken extends with the national football team – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

The new contract extends to 2025, but will be extended to 2026 if Norway makes it to the World Cup in the USA, Mexico and Canada. – I am grateful for the trust and that the NFF wants to extend the contract. I feel we are on the right track in the development of the team, players and support staff, says Solbakken in a press release. – My period started with a messy World Cup qualifier with covid, home games away from home and Qatar problems. We saw better performances in the Nations League and good performances in the EC qualifiers this March, where unfortunately we were poorly paid in terms of points, he continues. At 11.30 there is a press conference with Solbakken. Follow it in the video window at the top. CHIEF: Ståle Solbakken and Norway are chasing European Championship 2024. Photo: Fredrik Varfjell / NTB Expert: – Surprisingly, Solbakken’s contract initially lasted until after the European Championship in 2024, but the national team has not had an optimal start to qualifying for the championship. Norway has one point from two games against Spain and Georgia. They are already five points behind Scotland – the team expected to fight for the second European Championship place behind the favorites from Spain. – The timing is a little surprising considering the results recently. In the past, he has been very clear that if Norway does not make it to the EC, then he has failed in his term. Now it seems as if things have changed, and that both the association and Solbakken see a development and more positive things, says news’s ​​football expert Carl-Erik Torp. SURPRISED: Carl-Erik Torp is news’s ​​football expert. Photo: news Solbakken has repeatedly stated that European Championship 2024 is the big goal for him and the team. – It is still early in the qualifiers, and you don’t know if you will go to the EC or not, says Torp. “Tiring discussion” At the national team meeting in March, news asked Solbakken about the contract. Then he called it all a “tiring discussion”. – Now we have to focus on what we have to do, and that is to get enough points to get to the EC. Then we’ll have the discussion regardless of whether we get to the EC or not, said Solbakken and followed up: – It’s so far to get there, so a lot has happened during the year. So I haven’t spent a single calorie on that, he says. EXPERT: Kristoffer Løkberg. Photo: Nicolai Eid Trondal / news Another of news’s ​​football experts, Kristoffer Løkberg, was clear at the time what the consequences should be if Norway did not reach the EC. – Ståle Solbakken is done as Norway coach if we don’t make it to the EC, Løkberg said in March, before the qualifiers started. – It may be he himself who decides on that, and it may be that the NFF will have to take action. But if we don’t get to the EC now, I’m almost starting to give up, he continued. Ødegaard satisfied Solbakken’s position in the playing group seems to be strong. National team captain Martin Ødegaard is happy that the coach is staying on. – This is very good news. The players have great faith in this project, in Ståle and the support apparatus. He is a clear leader who takes us in the right direction. I feel we are constantly taking new steps, and I am already looking forward to the games to come and the road ahead with this group, says the Arsenal captain. LEADERS: Ødegaard is Solbakken’s national team captain. Photo: Fredrik Varfjell / NTB Torp believes that Solbakken is the best coach Norway can get and supports him gaining further trust. – Even if Norway fails and does not go to the European Championship, I am sure that the group and the association will want him on. It has been up to Solbakken even if he wants it, now we don’t have to speculate about it anymore, he says. Football president Lise Klaveness emphasizes the importance of continuity for Norway to be competitive against its opponents. – We are very satisfied with the job Ståle is doing as national team manager. He is a clear and unifying leader for the team and the support apparatus, with an ability to create both competition and security in the national team squad. We want to extend the agreement with Ståle already now, and with that send a clear signal that he is our man in the future, she says in the press release.
