Sports club Freidig misused salmon billionaire Gustav Witzøe’s signature in fake sponsorship agreements – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– Everyone agrees that this is just a sad case without any winners, says chairman of the Freidig Sports Club, Eirik Kjos, to news. The agreements the club entered into were for NOK 70,000, 250,000 and 500,000 respectively, and were allegedly signed by Salmar boss and billionaire Gustav Witzøe senior. It turned out not to be true. Witzøe’s signature was forged by someone inside the sports club. – When we inquired about the money from the person who had entered into the agreement, and how it was invoiced and so on, it emerged in March that it was neither invoiced nor actually real, says Kjos. It was Nidaros who mentioned the matter first. Eirik Kjos is employed by news, but does not work in the newsroom. Eirik Kjos is chairman of the Freidig Sports Club. Photo: Hallstein Mala / news Kjos cannot say anything about who has entered into the agreements or how it happened. – First and foremost it is a personnel matter, so what we can say is limited. An investigation is underway to find out how this could have happened, says Kjos. Among other things, Freidig is the organizer of the Skandia Cup, which is Norway’s second largest football tournament for children and young people. It starts on Saturday. Never entered into agreements Strategy director Runar Sivertsen in Salmar confirms to Nidaros that they have never entered into any agreement with the club. – Of course we think it is sad to hear about this, he says to news. They are not going to report the matter to the police. – We feel confident that Freidig is handling this matter in a correct and reassuring manner, says Sivertsen. Kjos says the club’s relationship with Salmar is still very good. – We have a very good relationship with Salmar. We have talked along the way and as soon as it became clear to us that it was a fake agreement, and we have had good contact this week at the latest about the situation, he says. Awaiting police report Kjos says internal investigations are ongoing at the club, and that the matter has not yet been reported to the police from their side. – If something illegal turns up, then there are two options for Norwegian sports: Either you can raise the case to the prosecution committee and then get a verdict in the sports court. Otherwise, it’s a police matter, and then it’s the police who have to come in and investigate if they want to. Sports club Freidig had 2,389 registered members at the turn of the year, and is listed with a turnover of NOK 16.2 million in 2023. – The budget available for 2024 is without this fake sponsorship agreement, says Kjos. Published 21.06.2024, at 13.44
