Southern Norway prepares for mild weather – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Emergency coordinator in Arendal, Hans Birger Nilsen, warns that mild weather can create challenging driving conditions in southern Norway. From Thursday morning, there will be plus degrees in large parts of southern Norway for the first time this year. Large amounts of snow are still left in the streets after last week’s snow chaos in Southern and Eastern Norway, which can cause more challenges when it thaws. Several municipalities are in the process of clearing snow, but it is assumed that this will take at least another 14 days. Temperatures will be colder again towards next weekend with double-digit minus degrees in several places. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – Now we are working on removing snow and ice from the sole, which will be a challenge in mild weather. Then the cars will sink into a soft surface and there will be difficult driving conditions. That is what emergency coordinator in Arendal Hans Birger Nilsen says to news. Arendal is one of several coastal municipalities in Agder that received a lot of snow around New Year, and are now preparing for milder weather. The Meteorological Institute reported that temperatures in several places in southern Norway would rise by around 10 degrees on Thursday. Photo: Meteorological Institute Kristiansand is also preparing for milder weather. – When the snow starts to melt, it will be smoother, and the sand we have sprinkled with will be moved. So we are fully focused on sprinkling now. Fortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any precipitation in the next few days, says acting emergency manager in Kristiansand municipality Rolv Løvåsen. He adds that they follow the weather situation closely. Because even though there has been hard work plowing roads, clearing bus stops and removing snow and icicles from roofs over the past week, there is still a lot of snow left. Kari Løberg Skår Thick layer On many smaller roads there is a thick layer of hard-packed snow. Leif Dalen High plow edges There are still very high plow edges in the traffic in Arendal Kari Løberg Skår Watch out!Icicles have been removed, but there is still a lot of snow on many roofs. Kari Løberg Skår Many barricades in the streets This is due to the risk of roof collapse. Here from the heated main street Markens in Kristiansand. Mairi Macdonald Brave cyclist A brave cyclist makes his way on hard-packed snow. The temperature rose eight degrees in one hour Weather changes have been announced in both the south and north of the country. On Thursday, the temperature at Blindern in Oslo rose by over eight degrees in one hour. At 07:00 on Thursday, 7.7 plus degrees were measured at Blindern. It was the hottest in the country, reports In Oslo, it has gone from bitterly cold to plus degrees. Photo: Kari Løberg Skår / news On Thursday, you will also see plus degrees for the first time this year in several other places in southern Norway. – It looks like we will have a significant increase in temperature in southern Norway, says on-duty meteorologist Martin Granerød. He says that the situation is completely opposite in the north. – Here, the weather has been mild and icy for several days. Now it looks like it will gradually get cooler through the weekend. On Thursday, it will be below zero in both Finnmark and Troms. In Nordland there are still some plus degrees, but it will get colder during the weekend, reports Yr. Meteorologist on duty, Martin Granerød at the Meteorological Institute says the whole country could experience double-digit minus temperatures next week. Photo: Meteorological Institute New cold period Temperatures in the mountains will remain on the negative side this week, but all the way up to Bodø we will see plus degrees until the weekend. But the joy is short-lived if you are most happy with the red numbers. Towards next weekend it will be cold again across the country. – Then we are talking double-digit minus degrees in several places. Certain places can be brought down to 30 degrees Celsius, says Granerød. A lot of snow remains While the mild weather is waiting in some places in the south, work is being done to remove more snow. In Kristiansand, high plow edges are a challenge for the traffic safety of pedestrians. In Kristiansand, work is also being done to remove high plow edges. Photo: Kari Løberg Skår / news In Arendal, they think it will take time to get rid of the snow. – We will probably have to clear snow for at least another 14 days to get rid of everything. And we are still only early in the winter, says emergency coordinator Nilsen. The snow removal has taken its toll. – I don’t have the details here, but because a lot of money was spent on the snowfall last week, there is a concern for the summer maintenance, says Nilsen. This is how it looked in Arendal on 2 January. Photo: Erik Wiig Andersen / news
