South-west Norway gets a new price hike on streaming on Thursday – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The previous price record for electricity came on 21 December last year. At that time, the price in Austlandet was NOK 3.95 per kilowatt hour. On Thursday, the electricity price will pass NOK 4 for the first time. Then consumers and businesses in south-west Norway have to pay NOK 4.22 per kilowatt hour, shows the overview from the electricity exchange Nord Pool. In Eastern Norway and parts of Western Norway, the daily price is NOK 2.04 per kilowatt hour, while Central Norway and Northern Norway have to pay around NOK 2 per kilowatt hour. The prices do not include taxes, online rent and surcharges from the electricity company. It was Europower that first mentioned the case. Still little water in the reservoirs An important reason for the rising prices is the low level of filling in the water reservoirs. Last week, the Norwegian magazines had a fill rate of 65.1 per cent. This is an increase of 1 percentage point from the previous week, figures from NVE show. The median value at the corresponding time for the years 2002–2021 is 73.3 per cent. But there are big differences between the regions. South-west Norway had the lowest occupancy rate at 48.3 per cent last week. Mid-Norway had the highest magazine fill with 87.4 per cent.
