Source calls Hirscher’s push “immoral” – new brand causes a stir – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Barely two years after Van Deer was started, several athletes put their skis on their feet during the World Cup opening in Sölden. But Hirscher is also criticized for how he has built up the brand. – He has clearly not proceeded in an orderly manner when he has contacted people, says the Austrian alpinist Marco Schwarz to Heute. He drives for Atomic, the brand Hirscher himself used throughout his active career. And it is precisely from their ski factory that the 33-year-old has brought some employees from when he was to form a new team for Van Deer. NORWEGIAN STAR: Aleksander Aamodt Kilde is one of Norway’s great hopes this winter. Photo: Erik Johansen / NTB Aleksander Aamodt Kilde also drives for Atomic and supports the criticism from Schwarz. He emphasizes that in one way it is natural that Hirscher has recruited from Atomic, but: – At the same time, the way he tries to “take” people from Atomic, he could perhaps have done that in another way. If there were people who were willing to join him, in other words contacted him in a way, then it would have been a different matter, says Kilde to news. The legend that gives and takes Both Schwarz and Kilde emphasize to news that this is business and that it is “part of the game”. Kilde still believes Hirscher should have resolved the situation in a more elegant way, and avoided weakening his previous ski brand. – Why go after the ones you’ve used and the ones you’ve had so much success with, to try to get that knowledge there?, asks Kilde. – There is a bit of competition like that now and then, also for Van Deer and Atomic, which makes it a bit immoral when he has received so much from Atomic for so many years. He has given back a lot even then, so that balance there is a bit “tricky”. That’s how it is in business, it’s not always joy and sorrow, it’s not, he continues. Former Atomic top Dominic Tritscher is among those who have joined Hirscher. He calls the criticism from Schwarz “jealousy”. HARD OUT: Marco Schwarz reacts to Hirscher’s approach and gets a response from the Van Deer boss. Photo: Piermarco Tacca / AP – We haven’t stolen anyone. Everyone has come to us of their own free will, he tells Heute. news itself has tried to get a comment from Hirscher and Van Deer, so far without a reply. Secured Norwegian star Toni Giger, one of Austrian alpine sports’ most successful coaches, has also become part of the Van Deer team. They also have the Red Bull Group’s financial muscle behind them. In addition, they have secured Henrik Kristoffersen, as the brand’s big star alongside founder Hirscher. Norwegian Timon Haugan also drives for the brand, and in addition they have shown interest in the Norwegian super talent Atle Lie McGrath. He spoke with the Van Deer team last year to hear their thinking. – But I have an incredibly good relationship with Head, which I have had for four years now, and it was something I wanted to cultivate further. So the question of switching was not there, but it was very cool to hear their ideas, says McGrath to news. GREAT TALENT: Atle Lie McGrath. Photo: Lise Åserud Positive with challengers Hirscher is the second most successful male alpine climber of all time with 67 World Cup victories. The Van Deer venture has been dubbed “Project 68”, as Hirscher wants the next victory to be taken with his skis on his feet. Although there are things Kilde has not appreciated in Van Deer’s recruitment, the Norwegian believes that it is good that the traditional brands are being challenged. – It means that Atomic, Head and all the other factories are actually starting to think about it a bit and are starting to put some new strategies in place. So I also think there is a positive thing about it, he says. Source believes the new brand keeps the others on their toes, but that it will take time before Van Deer is on the same level. – The knowledge and experience in Atomic and the other ski manufacturers is enormous. So going in and thinking you’re going to make the best skis in the world in one and a half, two years, that’s …, says Kilde and lets it hang for a while. – We’ll see, but I think it could be difficult, concludes Norway’s best sprinter.
