Sounding the alarm about record high levels of methane over Norway – Latest news – news

14 December 2023 at 10:48 Sounding the alarm about record high levels of methane over Norway The amount of the greenhouse gas methane over Norway in 2022 was higher than ever before. This is shown by measurements made at the Zeppelin Observatory in Svalbard and the Birkenes Observatory in Agder. In a report presented on Thursday, the Norwegian Environment Agency calls the methane levels alarming. – The ongoing increase in methane in the atmosphere puts achievement of the climate goals in the Paris Agreement at risk. The development is frightening because methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, says Ellen Hambro, director of the Norwegian Environment Agency. Methane is a particularly powerful greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. The measurements include the release of methane that occurred after the explosion of the Nord Stream gas pipes in the Baltic Sea. Methane emissions in the Baltic Sea were large in isolation, but small from a climate perspective, writes the Norwegian Environment Agency.
