Sørpes landslide and full storm in Northern Norway – this is expected – news Nordland

Once again this winter we are faced with a change of weather in Northern Norway. From today, mild weather, heavy rainfall and strong winds are expected. The northern parts of Nordland come out worst. In particular, Lofoten will experience large amounts of rainfall and strong winds. This is according to meteorologist on duty at the weather forecast for Northern Norway, Marek Ratajczak. In parts of Troms and Finnmark, there is a yellow warning for gusts of wind, Meteorologists write on Twitter. On Tuesday afternoon, wind gusts of up to 33 meters per second are expected and there may be local snow flurries. In Elda in Kvæfjord municipality in Sør-Troms, plates from a greenhouse have blown over the road. The police report strong winds. The fire brigade and owner of the building have been notified and are securing the building. The fire brigade in Kvæfjord tells news that they have finished the campaign and that they cleaned up what they could clean up. It concerned greenhouse panels that were stored on the outside but not secured well enough. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute has issued a yellow warning for strong gusts of wind that apply to most of northern Norway. They expect a full to strong storm and local wind gusts of 27-33 m/s. The wind increases first in Lofoten. Photo: Meteorological institute Low pressure from the Atlantic Ocean – There is a south-westerly low pressure from the Atlantic Ocean that will go north and all the way to Svalbard, says Ratajczak. Already today, the wind will build up to a small storm in the Vestfjorden. – It will rain in virtually all of Nordland all day today. In 24 hours, up to 50 millimeters of rain is expected at most. It will be felt most along the coast. In addition, the entire lowland will experience plus temperatures. Temperatures are already up to seven degrees. According to Ratajczak, the thermometer will continue to creep up a few degrees during the day. This is what the weather forecasts look like in Northern Norway for the coming days. Meteorologists Thunderstorms With the mild weather conditions, there may also be thunderstorms on Tuesday, Ratajczak says. Here it is also primarily about the north in Nordland. Thunderstorms are not so common in the winter, as they tend to occur when it is warm and humid. Thunderstorms as strong as we can get in summer are therefore not expected either. – With the cold air, you don’t get as strong a development in the storm clouds. There is also much less moisture available. The meteorologist asks people to stay away from open landscapes. Small southern storm and rain showers at Ørnbergan in Bø on 6 February. Photo: Bjørnar Hansen Up against a strong storm on Wednesday It is on Wednesday that the weather will really hit. – There will be a full storm and possibly a strong storm in some places. A full storm is 25 meters per second and a strong storm is 28 meters per second, says Ratajczak. – With the wind, there will also be some precipitation. More than 70 millimeters of rain is expected in 24 hours. In Lofoten and parts of Ofoten, a rain warning has been sent out, the meteorologists write on Twitter. There is a risk of storm water, also on the roads According to the Meteorologist, they are assessing the danger warning this day. – It is important to secure loose objects and check that the water has somewhere to drain. Snow and ice can get into the outlet, so it might be a good idea to check that it is open. – There is no weather for any special outdoor activities. If possible, it is best to stay indoors. On Thursday, it looks like it will move towards a slightly more wintry type of weather again with lower temperatures and significantly less wind and precipitation. The worst weather is expected in Lofoten. Here, from the Gimsøystraumen bridge at the E10 towards Leknes in Lofoten on Monday morning. Photo: Statens Vegvesen The geologists follow the Beisfjordveien closely Varsom.no reports on the increasing risk of landslides for the entire Ofoten region. The geologist from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration follows the landslide-prone Beisfjordveien in Narvik. That’s what construction manager Renate Dalmo in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration says. Two weeks ago, Beisfjordveien was closed due to the risk of snow and slush avalanches, and Narvik municipality put its crisis team on full alert. – It is a difficult type of weather, and we make an ongoing assessment of whether the road should be closed. There is a risk of avalanches all over the line, and Beisfjordveien is the section we follow most closely. Photo: Therese Bergersen / news May have to increase the danger warning for avalanches – We have fairly high danger warnings for avalanches. Now it is danger level three all over and it is possible that we will have to raise it to danger level four during the week, says Gustav Pless in Varsom’s avalanche warning. He says large avalanches can be triggered high up in the mountains. There are weak layers in the snow cover that can be weakened by the mild weather and the snow that is coming, says Pless. – Snow cover further down the mountain is wet, so the avalanches can turn into wet avalanches when they come down. The danger warning will at least last until Wednesday and possibly longer. – It is wise to avoid avalanche terrain completely and stay in sloping terrain. According to Pless, landslides can be so large that they can also reach roads and buildings – Municipalities should be prepared for emergency situations, but they have good routines for that.
