Sørlandsbanen closed due to fires along the train lines – Latest news – news

31 May 2023 at 22:23 Sørlandsbanen closed due to fires along the train lines Sørlandsbanen is closed between Egersund and Snartemo due to a fire at the track. That’s what Bane Nor writes on its website. It is the trains between Oslo and Stavanger, as well as the trains between Stavanger and Egersund that are affected by this. The emergency services have moved out after receiving reports of several fires in several places along the train lines at Moi in Lund. Vegetation is burning in sporadic places from Moi to Drangsdalen. The extent of the fire has not been clarified, Tor Kåre Steinskog at Rogaland Fire told news. Fire crews from several municipalities contribute to the extinguishing work. It is dry and windy in the area, which means that the fire spreads quickly. No danger to buildings has been reported. According to the police, there is still a full overview of the fires. There is supposed to be a lot of smoke in the area and the police are asking people in the area to keep their distance. – Residents are asked to keep windows closed until control is achieved and the smoke subsides, reports 110-Sør-Vest. Fires have also been reported in Flekkefjord in several places along the railway line. According to the Agder police district, it must have been a fire in the brakes of a train that started the fires. The train has stopped at Gyland station. (NTB/news)
