Soon the boat driver’s license will no longer be valid for driving fast – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– This is an awareness-raising course. People need to know what they are doing, and how quickly it can end in fatal accidents. Especially when it concerns different speeds. That’s what Lasse Hagby Høydal from Wave Kompetance says. He meets news on a high-speed course at Skogsfjord in Mandal. – There are many people who drive completely “nonsense”. They drive fast and close. It has contributed to the fact that water jets have got a very bad reputation, says Hagby Høydal. Because there are great forces at work when you give gas on a water scooter. This summer you can no longer drive over 50 knots without an additional certificate. This applies regardless of whether you have previously passed your boating test. 50 knots is approximately 92 kilometers per hour. Lasse Hagby Høydal in Wave Competence wants to increase awareness of the dangers that can be encountered by boat or watercraft. Photo: Siv Kristin Sællmann / news – Many are negative The new regulations, which the government has decided, must contain both a practical and a theoretical part. – If you have a boat over 50 knots, you must have a high speed certificate before 1 June 2023 to be allowed to drive it, says Knut Arild Hareide. He is director of the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. The requirement, which was adopted in autumn 2021, has led to divided opinions. – When the proposal came, we received many messages and comments on social media from people who were completely beside themselves, says Hagby Høydal. He finds that many people are negative when they come to the course. – Once they have completed it, they are extremely positive and feel that it has been useful. Also those who have had water scooters for a long time and driven a lot. On the high-speed course there is, among other things, a focus on speed adaptation. Photo: Siv Kristin Sællmann / news – Massive demand – We are experiencing huge demand, and receive several tens of registrations every day, says the daily manager of Wave Kompetance, Fredrik Varre. He says that they held the first courses early in April, and that the stream of participants has been steady ever since. – We see that it picks up closer to summer, the warmer the weather gets. Then people think boat. Therefore, they are gearing up for a big push in the time to come. – This summer it will probably dawn on many that they have to go on a course, when they sit there with their boat and realize they don’t have the opportunity to drive it, says Varre. – Take care of it – I’ve had a watercraft for many years, so I want to complete the course to take care of it. Pål Ime says so, and add that he grew up on the lake. – We just have to follow the rules, says Pål. Lars Tomte Ime believes that it can be discussed whether the additional certificate is necessary. – It is perhaps more sensible for those who have not driven that much. But we learn something new on the course, says Lars. Both of them see the point of more practical training among boaters. – You learn more when you are out at sea than sitting on a computer, says Lars. Today, you don’t even need to have been on a boat to take the boat driver’s test. In addition, those born before 1980 do not have to have the certificate. – You can take the boat driving test online without being able to drive a boat, but what’s the point then?, asks Pål. Pål Ime has had water skiffs for many years, but is on a course with a desire to follow the rules. Photo: Siv Kristin Sællmann / news
