Soon ready for the most expensive TV series of all time – bracing for angry fans – news Culture and entertainment

Next week, Amazon Prime will release the first episode of what is referred to as the world’s most expensive TV series. With its starting point in Tolkien’s well-known universe, the streaming service will conquer book lovers, fans of the award-winning film trilogy – and not least regular TV viewers. Long before the premiere, however, dissatisfaction has simmered online. Since the first trailer was released in February, the internet has been flooded with fierce criticism of the big venture. Reason? They believe the TV series is not faithful to Tolkien’s descriptions. An anger that at its worst is about gender roles and a more colorful cast. A comment in Aftenposten recently pointed out that the TV series is “growing up during a culture war”. – It is a striking and unpleasant phenomenon that there are such strong reactions against the choices of actors with dark skin, says columnist Magne Bergland to news. FIRST DARK-SKINNED DWARF AND ELF: Actors Sophia Nomvete and Ismael Cruz Córdova have central roles in “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power”. Photo: Amazon Studios – What the hell is going on? The anger against the Amazon production has even prompted “Game of Thrones” author George RR Martin to react, someone who knows what it means to have disgruntled fans on his back. – “The Rings of Power” hasn’t even been released, but if you follow what’s happening online, you’d think it was World War II. They drop nuclear bombs on each other, the author said in an interview with The Independent before the summer. According to Martin, fan culture has changed. – Before, it was the case that “Star Trek” fans liked “Star Trek”. Now it seems like half of the fans around hate “Star Trek”, hate “Star Wars”, and hate “The Rings of Power”. What the hell is going on? Series reviewer and presenter Marte Hedenstad in news thinks it’s nonsense that many people hate “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” long before they’ve seen it. – I can understand that fans are anxious about changes. You will always have people who either hate everything, love everything, or manage to settle on a golden mean. But we cannot accept the storm of reactions against dark-skinned actors, it is pure racism. The same unculture was recently also at the center of Disney’s “Obi Wan”. Actor Ewan McGregor came out strongly against racist messages aimed at co-star Moses Ingram. Trying to recreate the magic of works with huge fan bases is a double-edged sword, says Dagbladet’s TV reviewer Christopher Pahle. – The fans can be involved and contribute to creating a lot of buzz and hype, but at the same time they are also tough and possessive. It is easier to get people into a known universe, but that also means that it will be judged more harshly, he says. Samples from “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power”. Amazon Studios – Must be done in Tolkien’s spirit Among Tolkien’s core fans in Norway, there are – in stark contrast to the anger of the internet – many who are looking forward to the new TV series. – There are critical voices out there, but in our association most are positive, says Vegard Ovland, head of Norway’s Tolkien Association. – It is nice to be able to include where you have the opportunity to do so, so that Tolkien becomes available to a larger audience, says Ovland. Author Tor-Are Røssland, who is also well acquainted with Tolkien’s universe, hopes the series will be successful. At the same time, he understands parts of the criticism that has hit it. – I can also criticize the creative choices the series creators make. Especially if they turn it into a social commentary on our times to a far too great extent. If something is to be added or changed, it must be done in Tolkien’s spirit. Røssland adds: – Amazon must be allowed to produce the TV series in today’s spirit as well. The choice of black actors in major roles should just be lacking. It is the acting performance that is most important. The TV series is based on the Tolkien books’ appendices and so-called frame stories with details about language and culture in the Lord of the Rings universe. Photo: Amazon Prime – Would have worked in Hotel Cæsar After the premiere of “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” on September 2, it will quickly become clear whether the public will press it to their chests. Or if this year’s fantasy winner this TV autumn becomes the competitor on HBO Max. Ever since “Game of Thrones” (GoT) ravaged pop culture last decade, several series in the fantasy genre have tried to repeat the success. No one has come close to the GoT phenomenon. Amazon Prime’s first big fantasy baptism of fire came last year with “The Wheel of Time”. A series based on the popular book series by author Robert Jordan. It never had the big breakthrough. Many are therefore wondering whether Amazon will be able to succeed this time. – The main reason why “Game of Thrones” became so big was because it had an appeal to people who didn’t like fantasy. It was a soap opera that would have worked just as well in “Hotel Cæsar” as in a fantasy world, Christopher Pahle believes. Are you looking forward to The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power? Dagbladet’s reviewer looks forward to the premiere of “Maktens ringer”, with some scepticism. – It costs a lot of money to expand a story that doesn’t cry out to be told. The universe is incredibly rich and exciting, but you cannot dramatize an encyclopedia about the history and places of elves. They have to hit with an engaging story and characters we care about. He is supported by news’s ​​reviewer, who believes the height of the fall is enormous. – Tolkien’s works are close to my heart, so it is with a little horror mixed with joy that I look forward to the series. It’s a crazy big story to be told, and I’m very excited to see if the series creators have managed to make it work on TV, says Marte Hedenstad. Further recommended reading material:
