Solidarity markings for Israel and Gaza all over the country – news Nordland

Several hundred met on Saturday for a peace demonstration outside the Storting in Oslo. They have gathered in solidarity and with a common desire for peace in Israel and the Gaza Strip, writes NTB. The marking comes after the Hamas attack on civilians in Israel on 7 October and the subsequent Israeli airstrikes against the Gaza Strip. In a rare joint event, Amnesty, The Church of Norway, Doctors Without Borders, Save the Children, Church Aid, Norwegian People’s Aid and LO have joined together in a peace demonstration. – The conflict has already claimed several thousand human lives. Our organizations stand together behind a demand that the killing must end, and that international law and humanitarian laws are respected. That’s what Amnesty’s leader, John Peder Egenæs, says on behalf of the coalition. Several commemorations are also planned today, including in Tromsø, Bodø, Bergen and Drammen. Three friends in Bodø organized a solidarity marking for civilians in Gaza on Saturday. Photo: Matilde Mørk / news – Show that we care In Bodø, several people also showed up outside the Stormen library to show solidarity with the civilians in Gaza. Ida Tveter is one of the organisers, and together with two other friends they want to stand up for those affected by the conflict. – It is clear that everyone becomes powerless in this situation, and our voices are small. But we believe that if we all speak loudly and use our voices, we can influence those in power. In Bodø, several people also showed up outside Stormen library to show solidarity with the civilians in Gaza. Photo: Matilde Mørk / news Since 7 October, hardly any supplies of food, water, medicine and fuel have arrived in the Gaza Strip. Many smaller hospitals are out of business as a result of a lack of fuel for generators. The lack of medicine and equipment means that doctors have to operate on the floor and use vinegar to clean war wounds, writes NTB. As doctors and health workers, Tveter and her friends say that it takes a lot on them to see how hospitals also become bombs. – Those who are supposed to provide health care do not have the opportunity to do so, because they are also under attack, or because they do not get the resources they need to be able to help, says Tveter. Dag Storhaug was one of those who turned up at the commemoration in Bodø. He thinks it is important to show a distance from the acts of violence that take place. – What do you think you will achieve? – It can lead to other people seeing that we care about others. And that there is a will out there to actually show resistance, even if the world is otherwise quiet in the area. Dag Storhaug says it is important to show up and show that you care. Photo: Matilde Mørk / news Demand a ceasefire In front of the town hall in Tromsø, many people gathered to demand a ceasefire in Palestine. – It is completely unbelievable that Israel is allowed to continue with this, says chairperson of the Palestine Committee in Tromsø, Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen. She believes that people must put pressure on the politicians to introduce sanctions against Israel. Several of those who demonstrated in the center of Bergen had dressed in folk costumes. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news Several organizations also demonstrated in the center of Bergen on Saturday. Several of those who demonstrated had posters with slogans, and they were dressed in folk costumes. Many of them were Palestinians protesting against Israel. – We wish to distance ourselves from the genocide. There have also been markings in slightly smaller towns. In Sandnessjøen on Helgeland, SV and Raudt organized a solidarity demonstration in the square. – We wish to distance ourselves from the genocide that is taking place and show solidarity for Palestinians who have fought for their country for almost 75 years. That’s what Margit Steinholt from Raudt Alstadhaug says. According to her, around 50 people showed up, which she thinks is good. Kari Bruheim (from left) had composed a joik for the commemoration in Sandnessjøen. Here she stands together with the appellants Christian W. Kynsveen (SV), Muhammad Tunisi and Margit Steinholt (R). Photo: Mari-Ann Nergård Johansen – We refuse to sit idly by and watch defenseless people get bombed. The Gaza Strip is roughly the same length as from Sandnessjøen to Tjøtta. And over 2 million people live there who have nowhere to escape.
