Solberg is fighting for his political life. Now she meets Fredrik Solvang in Debatten – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Here is the entire list Sindre Finnes sent out via his lawyer Thomas Skjelbred: Trading during the pandemic: • I spent a large part of the time in my home office alone, and had a lot of time at my disposal, which was gradually used to conduct share trading. • At no time during this period was I made aware of information about the government’s decisions, which can be described as inside information. • There is no coincidence between the oil tax package and my trades, and I was at no time aware of sensitive information related to this. • I had no inside information that the government would announce possible corona restrictions on 10 September 2020. The job in Norsk Industri/NHO: • At no time have I had access to rate-sensitive information through the job, as my employer has confirmed in the media. Other transactions/questions: • It is an impossible task to explain in detail individual transactions that go back several years. • Several media ask for the time when the trades have been carried out, which the overview I have access to does not show. The lists I have do not show times before 2019. • The overview that was sent to the Right, and which the media have received, are printouts from my VPS accounts. As the transaction overview only goes back to 2019, I have gone through account statements to be able to obtain an overview of transactions carried out in the period 2013–2019. • I have had a trading account (custody) with S-banken and Nordnet since 2013, and since 2017/18 also have a share savings account with S-banken and Nordnet. A total of four accounts. Previously I had a VPS account in Bien sparebank, but this was deleted as it was not in use. • I have had no other ownership interests in the period 2013–2021 in Norway or abroad than those that are now known. I would like to point out that I have a share in SFL, which was previously registered in VPS, but which is now in another central securities depository. The share is traded in the USA and I own the share via an account in Nordnet. • I handed over the material about my stock trades to Erna and her colleagues on Wednesday 13 September at 9. Some were sent electronically before the meeting and some in hard copy at the meeting. • I sold the Nordic Mining share in 2013, and I have no further comments on this share during the time Erna was prime minister. • The trade made on 12 March 2020 was a manual deletion of 1,700 shares of the security Bull OBX X10 ND made by the manager (Nordea) on my share trading account in S-banken as the paper no longer had any value. The value of the trade is zero. The security was deleted from my VPS account on 13 March 2020 at 20:08:10 • In addition to the list that has been handed out, in the process of checking that all information has been received, I have also discovered one transaction that was not previously disclosed. This is a transaction from my Nordnet account on 13/03/2020 made by the administrator/issuer, as the paper no longer had any value. These are 845 warrants with the designation Bull OBX X10 NON. The security was deleted from my VPS account. Switzerland: In addition to the share deals that have been made, there have been questions about investments in Switzerland. I would like to explain this: • In 2004-2005 I was exposed to an investment fraud in that I was led to invest NOK 116,000 in a company that was initially based in Barcelona, ​​but which eventually moved to Switzerland. • In the years that passed, I was kept warm, and was told that this money grew by receiving information that showed a profit on the investment. I made no further investments in the company, but eventually discovered that the company was listed on the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s list (appendix) of companies that engaged in investment fraud. I then understood that I had been the victim of a fraud. • As there was no movement in buying or selling these investments during the years Erna was prime minister, they were not listed in the overview of share purchases. It was not about listed shares either. The investment was reported to the tax authorities on the equation every year, until 2020 when I considered the amount to be completely lost. The loss is not entered as a deduction in the equation. • First of all, it is incredibly boring and embarrassing to realize that I was tricked into rolling around. It is also a contributing reason why I have not proceeded with a possible report in this case. In any case, the fact is that I lost my entire investment. Statement from lawyer Thomas Skjelbred at Elden Advokatfirma: Lawyer Thomas Skjelbred assists Sindre Finnes in civil law assessments. Given the massive attention this case has received, it is only natural that Finnes seeks civil legal advice related to his share trading. – I feel that Finnes wants all the facts to be on the table, and that – when the time is right – he is willing to answer all questions about the case to the bodies that may investigate it, says lawyer Thomas Skjelbred at Elden Advokatfirma.
