Snøkule was to blame for the bunad store catching fire – news Vestland

On Sunday, there were open flames in the bunada shop of Mona Nygård Turøy, Bergens Broderiservice AS. Passers-by observed open flames inside the store, and report to the fire brigade, write BA. It was quickly clear that there was no major fire. But the cause of the fire is special. Now the police have concluded: – Most likely the sun has shone on a glass ball, so that there has been heat development and catch fire, says police attorney Elisabeth Morstøl. They draw this conclusion because no motion sensors in the store were triggered, they know that the key to the store was under control, and that video surveillance shows that no one was in the store. The fire has thus ignited itself. Magnifying glass effect It was around 8 pm on Sunday night that there was a fire in Turøy’s shop. She wonders how it could happen. – The bullet was 3.5 meters inside the room, says Turøy. She thinks it is basically too far in for it to be a problem. Mona Nygård Turøy is a daily camper in Bergens Broderiservice AS. Photo: Maria Gunnarsdotter Svedal – But it was very low sun, and then there was a shopping network just behind. Thus, there has been a magnifying glass effect that caused the shopping network to catch fire. Bjørn Næs is a senior engineer in the Bergen fire service. He calls the cause of the fire an “optical phenomenon”. – The reason why it starts to burn is that the sun’s rays are collected on a smaller surface or at a point, such as when using a magnifying glass, Næs explains. In 2021, the fire service reported 3210 building fires in Norway. They assume that only 16 of the fires start in this way. – So it is not very common, he says. Water jugs a danger The typical thing about such fires is that reversible make-up mirrors that are in the window are hit by sun rays. The rays are reflected by the convex surface of the mirror and hit a curtain that can catch fire. – Another example is sunbeams that fall through a water jug ​​so that a cloth catches fire, says Næs. He also mentions other examples: Sunbeams that fall into a parabolic metal bowl, so that objects in the bowl catch fire, or sunbeams that fall through a magnifying glass mounted on a reading lamp, so that a chair begins to burn. – Warning The fire in the bunad shop was not very large, but still there has been both soot and smoke damage. In addition to the shopping network that caught fire, there were also some wooden items on fire. For the time being, it has not been mapped how much damage the fire has done. The smell of smoke characterizes the room, and the shop is closed indefinitely. Low evening sun send rays through the shop window, 3.5 meters into the room and hit the snowball. Photo: Brynjar Osgjerd There are remnants of ash on the items in the store. Many of the items are probably damaged. Photo: Maria Gunnarsdotter Svedal The most visible damage is on the floor in the shop. Here was a basket that burned up completely. Photo: Maria Gunnarsdotter Svedal On this pole hung the clothes net that caught fire. The snowball was on the shelf. Photo: Maria Gunnarsdotter Svedal Most of the bunads hung in the back room, so they will probably be as good as new after a reindeer. The items inside the store are worse, but a lot of things that have been destroyed can be seen. All in all, Turøy is first and foremost happy that the fire was not bigger, and that there was no danger to life and health. She still wants to take care of others. – Most people probably do not think that there is danger 3.5 meters into the room. We have an exhibition in the window as well, which basically helps to screen the sun into the room, so this is a good warning. Mona Nygård Turøy has now placed the other snowballs safely down in a drawer. Photo: Maria Gunnarsdotter Svedal
