– Slightly shocked – news Trøndelag

On Tuesday morning, the residents of Soknedal in Trøndelag woke up to a cold surprise. The thermometer showed 1.8 degrees last night and sokndaling Eva Trøen had to scrape ice from the windscreen of the car. In the middle of late summer. – I wondered if I was dreaming. I was disappointed and slightly shocked, she says. It wasn’t just the parishioners who had a chilly start to the day. In Røros, the temperature dropped to zero degrees last night. – We have an unusually cold start to August, says Ketil Tunheim, researcher at the Climate Services Department of the Meteorological Institute. Far from normal temperature Several places in the country had minus temperatures last night. If we disregard the mountain areas, where it is not unusual for temperatures to drop below freezing at night, the Inland stands out at night. At Tynset, minus 0.8 degrees was measured last night, and at Rena airport -0.1 degrees was measured. The first two days in August are far from the normal temperature for the whole of August, says Tunheim. However, there are many indications that it will get warmer throughout the month, according to the researcher. – The statistics look like this, he says. Cold July Tunheim says July has been a cold month throughout the country. There are more weather stations that have had temperatures below normal than those that have had above. – Only Finnmark has had abnormally warm weather, says the researcher. In addition to the cold, it has also been a wet month. Some stations in Finnmark have measured three times as much rainfall as normal. Trøndelag has had five percent more rainfall than a normal summer and an average temperature of 1.3 degrees lower than normal. – It may sound small, but there were a few days with good temperatures that weighed and pulled the average up, says Tunheim. Sent out several danger warnings The month of July has also been characterized by great contrasts. In addition to cold and wet, it has also been abnormally hot and dry. This week, a yellow warning has been sent out for several places in the country. Flood risk for parts of Western Norway Landslide and landslide risk for parts of Southern Norway Torrential rain for parts of Western Norway and Møre and Romsdal Eastern and Southern Norway will have good weather ahead Even though the night to Tuesday has been characterized by low temperatures in several places, we do not need to expect a cold August. That’s what Unni Nilssen, state meteorologist at the Meteorological Institute, says. Those of us who live along the coast, between Lista and Nordkapp, still do not need to cheer too loudly for the weather ahead. – The weather here will be characterized by a number of low-pressure activities, says Nilssen. This will result in heavy rain showers and wind in several places along the coast for some time to come. There may still be the occasional fine weather day, says the state meteorologist. It is the east and the south that will once again run away with the good weather going forward. – Here it will be dry and nice and over twenty degrees, says Nilssen.
