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They had been together for 16 years and married for 10. Suddenly, while he was at work in Nigeria, Åse Marie Fjelldal’s husband died. – Snorri worked on the lake. Suddenly he was gone. And I was left with sadness and longing. And without the late husband’s password. Nevertheless, Fjelldal got Snorre’s banking services, and other important things that required passwords, in order without much difficulty. But Snorre’s digital life remains. After 12 years, Fjelldal has not yet been able to delete her husband’s Facebook account. – I can’t bring myself to delete him from my friends list either. So he shows up, with memories and birthdays. Snorri lived to be 53 years old. Åse Marie Fjelldal describes him as a very kind and determined man who loved both the forest and the sea. Photo: Privat Vond reminder The 58-year-old healthcare worker, resident in Trøndelag, is afraid that unauthorized persons may take over her deceased husband’s profile. She doesn’t want to remove him from her friends list, for fear of losing control. – It hurts. For me and for the kids. I can’t get into the account, despite trying to guess his password for years. I have written countless e-mails to Facebook, but I get no response. Åse Marie Fjelldals together with her late husband Snorre. Photo: Private Password that plays on the children, the dog and birthdays has not paid off. Three years ago she gave up. Now her late husband’s Facebook profile is more like a sore that pops up a few times a year. – I think it is very badly done. It is so easy for Facebook to see that he is no longer alive. I have submitted all the information I can. It hurts. Unable to reach Facebook by e-mail Hanne Stine Kind is head of communications at Norsis. She says that Åse Marie’s challenge is not unusual. Hanne Stine Kind at Norsis understands that challenges related to deleting Facebook accounts can be burdensome for relatives. Photo: NorSIS – So far this year, there have been 280 cases of deletion of profiles of the deceased on Facebook by our first-line service delete me. She recommends first contacting the relevant service provider when there are challenges with accounts in social media, says Kind and adds: – When it comes to Facebook, they rely on contact through their own contact forms. It is not possible to contact via e-mail or telephone. Many Norwegians are struggling with digitalisation. Among other things, Vigdis Kristiansen from Narvik had to use her son’s mobile phone to identify herself at the bank, as her mobile phone was too old to meet the new ID requirement. Must have documentation The company Meta owns Facebook. To delete the account of someone who has passed away, documentation is required that confirms that you belong to the deceased’s immediate family. The fastest way is to provide a copy of the death certificate. You can also have the account removed by having authorization to represent the person concerned, Meta tells news. They do not answer questions about whether their guidelines are clear enough on how to proceed. Meta offers the option to turn the Facebook page of those who have passed away into a memorial page. Created memorial page Ole-Henrik Bjørkmo Lifjell is happy that the family did not delete his brother’s profile after he passed away. When his brother Lars-Kristian died, no one in the family from Bleikvassli knew his password, and it was therefore not possible to delete the profile. Ole-Henrik Bjørkmo Lifjell is happy that the family did not delete his brother’s profile after he died. – At first we wanted to remove it, but it was never a big topic for us at the start, in the middle of the grief. Instead, the family turned the profile into a memorial page. They have never regretted it. – When I miss him a little more, it’s nice to go in and look at old photos and read statuses he has written, says Ole-Henrik Bjørkmo Lifjell. Although Fjelldal wants the man’s profile to be removed from Facebook, she fully understands those who want to preserve their deceased’s digital traces. – But everyone grieves differently. It is up to each individual. Life goes on, and those who die are not forgotten. You carry the good memories with you anyway. You have them in your heart.
