Slaughter waste in the roadway – news Østfold – Local news, TV and radio

– It is a trailer that was loaded with slaughter waste. It is very slippery on the spot, so it has slipped and overturned, says Pål Bjelland. He is operations manager in the East police district, and says that the slaughter waste has washed out onto the road. The train is now blocking one lane on county road 128. The accident has occurred on Ørjeveien near the Ramstadkrysset. – The driver of the car has been sent to hospital for a check-up, says Bjelland. The police received a report about the accident at 19:57. Since then, the waste has been lying on the road. Around 10pm on Monday evening, a vacuum truck will come to clear away the waste. – After that, there will be car recovery, says Bjelland. Foul-smelling waste Photographer Freddie Larsen took pictures of the waste, which is now lying in the road. – At first I wondered what this was, but then I realized that it was entrails. It was quite ugly to see, says Larsen. This is what the road looks like after a truckload of slaughter waste overturned. Photo: Freddie Larsen When he arrived at the scene, the emergency services were in place. – It smelled quite bad. I can’t describe the smell. It was just horrible, he says. The police: It might be a good idea to drive another way. It is very slippery on the spot. The county road belongs to the old E18 and is a road with little traffic. But if you’re going that way, it might be a good idea to choose another path, urges operations manager Bjelland. – It may make sense to choose another path if you can. There is also traffic management on site, the police are still there, says Bjelland just after 21:30. If there was any doubt, the animals in the wagon train had been slaughtered before the accident took place.
