Sky-high rental prices during Arendal week 2022 – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Although it is free to participate in Arendal Week, there are still many who have to shell out tens of thousands of kroner this week. Sørlandsbyen does not have enough hotel rooms to house the thousands of visitors. Thus, there will be a battle to get hold of private housing. This has caused prices to skyrocket. Figures that news has received from show that the average price for a detached house is NOK 45,000 during Arendal Week. That’s about double what it costs the rest of the year. Line Tresselt in the communications agency Rud Pedersen is among those who are renting a private home this week, and who are reacting to the rental prices. – Customers and everyone are completely desperate. People simply cannot find housing, she says. Line Tresselt calls the rental prices during the Arendal Week outrageous figures. Photo: Espen Bierud / news The figures suggest that there may be a visitor record at Arendalsuka this year, but it is still too early to say for sure. The market decides One of the people renting out housing during this year’s Arendal Week is Jan Morten Eskilt. The house of 500 square meters has room for 15 people, and is centrally located in Arendal. Many will also be able to recognize it from “Master of Masters”. The 500 square meter villa was a sought-after rental property for Arendalsuka – despite the fact that the price for a week is over NOK 100,000. Photo: Rubicon TV/news The price for one week is between NOK 150,000 and 200,000, which Eskilt believes is reasonable considering how many guests there is room for. – I can’t see that there is anything wrong with taking what the market is willing to pay, says Eskilt. And the market was willing to pay. In fact, the house was already rented out in September last year. The homeowner thinks it is strange that someone asks locals to keep rental prices down during Arendal week. – I don’t understand why we southerners have to show more restraint than others. Hotel prices in Oslo have doubled because the market is willing to pay, he points out. Don’t like the development has 159 housing adverts that are specifically marked with Arendalsuka. There is no complete record of how many private homes are rented out. But a survey carried out by the organizer a few years ago showed that more than half of those staying overnight rent private houses, cabins or boats. They are also completely dependent on that, as there are not many enough hotels. The management is also clear that they do not like the fact that many people charge very high fees for renting out. – We are a little worried about that, at least if it starts to push prices so that not everyone can participate, says Tone Skindlo Taraldsen in the project management of Arendalsuka. Tone Skindlo Taraldsen believes it is important that most people can afford to pay for accommodation during Arendal Week. Photo: Espen Bierud / news The stiff prices do not quite rhyme with the organizer’s goal of a democracy festival. – It is important to us that everyone should be able to participate in Arendalsuka, regardless of the thickness of their wallet, says Taraldsen. The organizer has also previously asked the city’s hotels not to take advantage of the situation and raise prices sharply during Arendal Week. It is still possible to find affordable accommodation if you plan well enough, says Taraldsen. Landlords do not want to talk A landlord says in a conversation with news that the rental prices during Arendal week are the reason why he was able to buy an apartment in the city. Another confirms that he rents out his home, but does not want to be interviewed. – I have too good a relationship with the tax authorities, was the joking justification. news has spoken to a number of landlords, but no one wants to comment on this matter. Expensive accommodation Cathrine Berge is the main shop steward for Delta in Arendal. She had to resort to the private market to find accommodation for her members this week. – It’s starting to take a bit now, says Cathrine Berge about the rental prices during Arendal week. Photo: Espen Bierud / news In the end, she ended up renting two detached houses and two apartments, to house 21 people. It would prove to be costly. – It is expensive. Everything from NOK 20,000 to NOK 35,000 per housing unit, she tells news.
