Skogbygd in Nes in Akershus in mourning after murder – thinks father killed children and grandchildren – Greater Oslo

– It is completely understandable that in such a serious matter there is a need for information. At the same time, it is important to say that this is a serious and unbelievably sad matter. This is what Police Inspector Grete Lien Metlid says at the police press conference on Wednesday morning. Metlid says that the police are focused on looking after the next of kin, and on proceeding correctly in the investigation. – We have said that it is a father and grandfather who calls in and says he has killed his children and grandchildren. That is still the big picture, says Metlid. He is formally charged with murder, although he is now dead, according to the police. Police inspector Grete Metlid at the police press conference at 1 pm on Wednesday. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB Carrying out autopsies on Wednesday They will carry out autopsies and formal identification during Wednesday. They will not release further information about the victims and the perpetrator until this has been completed. See the police press conference here. It was held at 1pm at the police station in Oslo on Wednesday. Metlid says they expect to come up with an update during the afternoon. – That is the question many are now asking, how could this happen? According to Metlid, the police will focus on that in the interrogations that are being carried out today and the investigation going forward. They also conducted several interviews on Tuesday evening. But there are no witnesses who have seen or heard anything in connection with the murders themselves, as far as the police know. – For the time being, we do not have any information about it, says Metlid to news. – Whether there is something about physical or mental health that can explain this is also something we are investigating, says Metlid. They do not want to say anything more about motive or motive for now, but they are starting to form a picture of when the murders were committed. Relatives are looked after by the police and health. On Tuesday evening, the foresters began to gather in the small village’s “centre”: the square next to the church, the school and the local Joker shop. Photo: Christian Breidlid / news – Takes time to understand On Wednesday, Skogbygda in Nes wakes up to what still seems impossible to understand: – Skogbygda has lost four lives. It takes some time to understand for us who live here, says Tommy Norum. He is usually a journalist in the local newspaper Raumnes. Tommy Norum is a journalist in the local newspaper. He says people in the village now take care of each other. Photo: Nadir Mohammad Alam / news Tuesday was an unusual day at work, when three adults and a small child were found dead in the house on Nes. All four of the dead were residents of Nes municipality, and all were family members. The police believe the father killed his adult daughters and granddaughter before taking his own life. Norum describes the local community as close-knit, calm and peaceful. That is why the shock is extra big when such a great tragedy strikes. – It’s just a matter of standing up and being foresters for each other. Parish priest Anniken Urianstad keeps Ingeborgrud church open for everyone who wants to gather. Here from Tuesday evening. Photo: Christian Breidlid / news Schools and kindergartens are open as usual on Wednesday, but they have strengthened preparedness with, among other things, extra health nurses. The church is also open on Wednesdays. – We think it will take some time before people take the terrible incident to heart, so that the need for an open church is probably so great today, says mayor Tove Nyhus (Frp) on Wednesday morning. Mayor Tove Nyhus was present in the church on Tuesday. She says it was good to see that people wanted to come together and take care of each other. Photo: Nadir Mohammad Alam / news Those who were closest to the four have been offered to contact the emergency room. Some of them have done that, according to Nes mayor Nyhus. Killed woman was a police officer One of those killed was an employee of the East police district. – It is extra demanding that one of our colleagues is among the dead, said a clearly affected police chief Cecilie Lilaas-Skaari when she met the press on Tuesday. Colleagues of the woman met at Eidsvoll police station after what had happened. On Wednesday, the station will be closed, writes Romerikes Blad. The police will gather there and remember their colleague. Since the woman worked in the East police district, the police in Oslo have taken over the investigation. Police inspector Metlid says the deceased woman previously had a short-term employment in the Oslo police district. – But we are a large police district. There are several things to be done. Here it is special that the case is moved. The first hours were about getting information from the eastern police district, says Metlid.
