Skjæran withdraws his candidacy as Ap deputy leader – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– I have informed the leader of the election committee that my place is available, Skjæran tells news. – I decided on this late last night. The fact that Skjæran is now resigning means that there will be a major change in the Labor leadership at the national meeting in two weeks. There is broad support for Knowledge Minister Tonje Brenna to join the management and deputy chairman. At the same time, Industry Minister Jan Christian Vestre has been proposed as deputy chairman. – My thoughts on that are that Tonje and Jan Christian are brilliant representatives, says Skjæran to news. The selection committee met late last night and will meet again today. Skjæran’s clarification may mean that a recommendation is presented during the day. Skjæran wants to continue on the central board. When asked if he has been asked to resign, he replies: – No, I have a strong and confidential relationship with my party leader. The Labor Party’s election committee Photo: William Jobling / news A separate election committee in the Labor Party is working to find names for the new party leadership that will be elected during the national meeting in the People’s House on Youngstorget in the first week of May. It has been clarified that Jonas Gahr Støre will be appointed as leader for a new term and that the top party leadership will be expanded with another deputy leader. Tonje Brenna has broad support in the party and is expected to be nominated as the new deputy leader. Incumbent deputy chairman Bjørnar Skjæran is not standing for re-election as deputy chairman. Party secretary Kjersti Stenseng wants re-election, but the election committee has also received a wide range of other input for these posts. Among them is Hadia Tajik, who was deputy leader until she resigned last year. In addition to the top management of four, a new central board is to be put together. Today, the central board has a total of 18 members in addition to the top management, who also meet there. Aps’ statutes state that there must be a 50 percent gender balance among the permanent members of the central board. The selection committee is chaired by LO leader Peggy Hessen Følsvik (pictured) and also consists of: Astrid Hoem (AUF), Frode Jacobsen (Oslo), Rigmor Aasrud ​​(Innlandet), Even Røed (Buskerud), Sigurd Rafaelsen (Finnmark), Elin Weggesrud (Vestfold and Telemark), Marianne Bjorøy (Vestland), Åsmund Aukrust (Akershus), Amund Hellesø (Trøndelag) and Frode Fjeldsbø (Rogaland). Wants Helga Pedersen in the Labor Party leadership Former Labor deputy leader Helga Pedersen from Tana in Finnmark receives support from Vestfold and Telemark to become the new party secretary in the Labor Party, news learned on Thursday. The county party thus opens the door to replace sitting party secretary Kjersti Stenseng, who is seeking re-election. Sources in the county party Vestfold and Telemark describe it as a “game changer” that Helga Pedersen herself expresses that she has made herself available. Earlier today, Vadsø mayor Wenche Pedersen went on news and announced that Helga Pedersen had the support of her home county.
