Skibladner can finally sail on Mjøsa again after the accident in June – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– It means a lot to see people on board the boat again, says captain Hans Knudsen. In mid-June, Skibladner crashed out on Mjøsa. Large parts of the season smoke. The captain estimates that they have lost NOK 6 million in turnover and over 10,000 passengers. But after five weeks of intense work, the boat can finally sail again. HUGE LOSSES: The captain estimates that Skibladner has lost several million kroner and thousands of passengers. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news – Fantastic to be on board At the Skibladner wharves around Mjøsa, many people are queuing to board the white swan. They bring flags, flowers and a good mood. One of them is Synni Sørheim from Northern Norway. She stayed in Gjøvik an extra day, only to take a trip with Skibladner. – It is absolutely fantastic to be on board here. I am very impressed by the boat and the landscape, she says. SPECIAL: Synni Sørheim thinks it was very special to be on the first trip after the accident. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news She was not alone in staying in Gjøvik an extra day. So did the Dutch Merlinde Zoet, who is on tour in Norway. – I am very lucky to be able to take part in the first trip after the accident. It has been very pleasant, she says. HAPPY: Merlinde Zoet really wanted to take a trip with Skibladner while she was in Norway. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news The captain says that they have been waiting for this for a long time. They are happy that the boat can finally take passengers again. – It is absolutely wonderful to see people on deck and in the dining room again, he says. Postponed the season several times Both 2020 and 2021 were tough years for Skibladner. Due to the corona pandemic, they had to sail with half passenger capacity, and cancel all charter traffic. This season they should make up for the lost years. But it didn’t go as planned. TOUGH: With postponements due to both low water levels and breakdowns, this has been a tough season for Skibladner. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news It wasn’t just the accident in June that put a damper on the summer season. In the first half, the season was postponed due to low water levels in Mjøsa. When there was finally enough water for the boat to sail, only five days passed before it broke down. One paddle wheel was destroyed, and had to be completely rebuilt. The captain does not know exactly how much the repairs will cost yet. The turnover and passengers they assume to have lost are taken from statistics from previous years. LONG QUEUE: At the Skibladner jetty in Brumunddal there was a long queue when Skibladner took his maiden voyage after the accident. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news Fingers crossed Ringsaker industrial service has been absolutely crucial in getting Skibladner back on the water, says captain Knudsen. – They were ready on the quay when we crashed and started work straight away. They have worked continuously since then. Now the captain is crossing his fingers that they stay injury-free until the season ends in September. – She is a grown woman, so things can happen. But it hasn’t been as good as it is now for many years. FINALLY BACK: Captain Hans Knudsen is happy that the passengers are finally back. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news
