Six years in prison for bank embezzlement of 74 million – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Trøndelag district court has thus agreed with the prosecutor who claimed six years’ imprisonment for the defendant. – We are appealing the position, says defender Jasmin Gheshlaghi to news on Monday afternoon. He said he tested the system. The defendant was hired as a temporary worker from Manpower and worked in the customer department. There he helped customers with ordinary services such as changing banks and opening new accounts. The method for embezzling money from the bank was simple: He transferred money from the cash register system in the bank to his own accounts in the bank. On the transfers he wrote “test” or similar. He did this to see if the transfers went through, he explained in court. Photo: the police “Test transfer negative amount to see if this is corrected,” the man wrote in the internal log system on 16 December. It was two minutes after he had made the first transfer of NOK 10,000. From his own accounts, he transferred the money via accounts in DNB and Danske bank and then left the country. Most of it ended up with online brokers in IG Europe in Germany. In court, he pleaded guilty to embezzlement, money laundering and forgery. He told about a month from 16 December last year where everything revolved around buying and selling high-risk securities. Of the embezzlement of almost NOK 75 million, the police managed to find and secure approximately NOK 20 million. Six alarms From 22 December to 17 January, the alarm in the anti-money laundering department of the bank went off six times. But the officers believed the defendant’s explanations that he was carrying out a test of the system. The communication took place by e-mail because the defendant then had a home office, partly in France and Portugal. The CFO said in court that the defendant manipulated the system. – The defendant therefore ends up delaying our employees to understand that it was an embezzlement. The finance director believed that the routines in the bank were followed, but that the defendant abused the trust and will of his colleagues. Prosecutors Ole Andreas Aftret and Eli Reberg Nessimo during the trial at the beginning of December. Photo: Bent Vidar Lindsetmo / news Ongoing embezzlement for a month The man quit his job at Sparebank 1 SMN three days before the bank reported the case to the police. The defendant had then continued with the embezzlement for a month. The individual transfers to own accounts ranged from NOK 10,000 to NOK 22,500,000. In the resignation, it was stated that he wanted to focus more on his studies. He would come to the bank to deliver the PC and finish matters during the week, he wrote. The temporary worker studied to become a computer engineer, and already has a bachelor’s degree in economics and administration. Account statements that the court was able to see show the intensity of the financial speculation: several times a day from 14 December, millions of kroner were transferred from the DNB account and to the German IG. Throughout December and January, there were more and more transactions from the defendant to IG. It peaks on 17 January with 36 transfers between early afternoon and 8pm. – I had a problem with gambling and was very low when it happened, said the defendant in court.
