Six-year-old attacked by dog ​​in Ringsaker – was walking when the attack happened – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

On Thursday, a six-year-old was playing on a rock near a dog that his mother was looking after. – The dog must have jumped on the rock, and scared the boy so he went down. That’s when the attack should have happened, says police attorney Hanne Garberg to news. The family was looking after the dog for the dog owner, and mother and son were walking the dog when the attack happened. The mother was also attacked, probably when she tried to ward off the attack. – She has also received some injuries, but to a lesser extent. It may have been this rock the boy was playing on. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news Bitten repeatedly The accident happened at half past twelve at Furnes secondary school in Ringsaker. The six-year-old is said to have been bitten repeatedly on the arms and legs. He was sent to hospital with his mother. The boy is said to have been seriously, but not life-threateningly injured, according to the police. Both mother and son are looked after by the healthcare system. Innlandet Hospital states that they do not release information about the health status of patients. No witnesses so far – We have no information that there have been witnesses to the attack itself, says Garberg. The dog’s owner was not present at the incident. Police attorney Hanne Garberg states that the future of the dog has not been clarified. Photo: Jenny Marie Sveen / news What happens next with the dog has not yet been decided. The police have been in contact with the dog’s owner, but have not been able to question him. There are no accused in the case. Garberg says that the police take dogs that attack seriously. – It is clear that when a child is attacked, it is very serious. We understand that it may have been experienced as frightening and upsetting for the family. Bite injuries and children At Norwegian emergency services, 7-800 bite injuries are assessed annually, according to figures from the National Competence Center for Emergency Medicine. Of bite injuries, dog bites are the most common reason for contacting a doctor. Children under the age of 10 are most exposed to dog bites, and also suffer the most serious injuries. In the smallest children, injuries are most often seen in the head and neck region. In older children and adolescents on the arms and legs. In adults, injuries are most frequently seen on the hands. Cat bites are often deeper than dog bites, and are associated with a much higher risk of infection (28-80%) than dog bites (3-18%). Intentional bite injuries are most often seen in children as a result of violent play, but are usually not serious. Bite injuries represent a significant risk of infection. One should always take immediate measures such as cleaning wounds. Source: FHI Norwegian Kennel Club: – Excellent family dog ​​- There is no doubt that this is a tragedy for those involved, says Eva Kristine Wiik in the Norwegian Kennel Club to news. – Is there reason to be concerned about rottweilers? – Whether a dog bites depends on several things, such as genetics, socialization, experience, training and physical and mental health. Wiik emphasizes that she is speaking on a general basis. She says that Rottweilers are primarily a service dog, and to the highest degree a valued family dog ​​among those who have this breed. The boy must have been playing when the dog attacked. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news – So although it can be an excellent family dog ​​that is generally described as child-friendly, it is also a breed that requires a job. This means that it is used for something, such as a police dog. She emphasizes the importance of talking to the dog breed club to make sure you understand the dog’s needs. And during these holiday times, when many people need dog sitting, she reminds that the dog is still the dog owner’s responsibility. – If you entrust the responsibility of the dog to someone else, whether it is big or small, you must be sure that those who take care of it are able to do so. – Dogs are like people When asked if there is cause for concern or anxiety about rottweilers, zoologist Petter Bøckman reminds us that dogs are like people. Not one dog is the same as another. – Dogs are like people, no two are alike, says Peter Bøckman. He speaks on a general basis. Photo: Roy Pettersen / news – The fact that one dog has bitten someone does not mean that someone else intends to bite someone. As long as we do not know the circumstances surrounding what has happened, there could be a misunderstanding, or it could be that someone has hurt the dog. He reminds us that dogs can act as guardians in the same way that humans can act as guardians. Published 12.07.2024, at 10.29 Updated 12.07.2024, at 13.39
