Six drunks with poisoning symptoms after drunken meeting in Halden – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I was stupid enough to accept drinks from someone I don’t know and trust. Ole Gerhard Dalane Andersen talks to news from his bed at Sykehuset Østfold. He has been here since Saturday evening. The 18-year-old is one of six young people who have been hospitalized with symptoms of poisoning after the Landstreffet in Halden. The event gathers Russians from all over Norway. – I remember a lot. The police were actually surprised by how much I remembered, he says. Up to 8,000 festive young people attended the Russian meeting at Fredriksten fortress in Halden. PRIVATE He had a fun day at the Russian meeting and got to know new people. – I was quite drunk after a lot of lager when I met someone who seemed very nice. They eventually gave me a bottle of alcohol. He describes that he both smelled and looked at the contents before drinking. Everything looked normal. However, it did not take long before he sought out the Red Cross because he felt unwell. He was later transported to Østfold Hospital by ambulance. – It has been tough. It was uncontrollable intoxication. I’ve been high on something I don’t know what it is, says Andersen. He has not had it confirmed, but believes himself that the spirit bottle must have contained something more than alcohol. Breathing difficulties and hallucinations On the night of Sunday, five young people were taken to hospital. They had severe pain, combined with delusions and anxiety. On Sunday, one more person contacted the hospital after reading about the case in the media. The person had experienced similar symptoms. The combination of the young people’s symptoms is so unusual that Poison Information has contacted colleagues abroad. – After all, we have long experience in handling drugs and party participants, both with alcohol and other things. But this was somehow a bit new, even for seasoned people who have worked with this for many years, said senior doctor Dag Jacobsen at Poison Information to news on Sunday. Six young people have been hospitalized Photo: Amalie Fagerhaug Evjen / news – I had breathing difficulties. After the first night, I had delusions, hallucinations and severe pain, says Andersen. He is discharged and travels home to Halden on Monday afternoon. The other young people will also be discharged during the day. Has the status of victim The police are fully investigating the case. – We haven’t become that much wiser yet. It is too early to say anything. We have to wait for the blood test results, says Mona Bergseth. Bergseth is section leader for investigations at Halden police station. The police call all six young people who have been admitted to hospital victims in the case. They have questioned two of them. – Today we received the names of three more that we will contact, says Bergseth. – We have to question the others involved to see if we can see any similarities. Like what they have drunk, ingested and who they have been with, and whether they can say anything further about the incident. Ole Gerhard Dalane Andersen will try to continue the Russian era as normal. He is still going to be extra attentive in the weeks ahead. He has a call for other Russians. – Don’t do like me. Be careful who you receive drinks from!
