Siri (15) and Mari (14) created their own summer job in Engerdal – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– Hey Hey! Siri Vesterheim Risbakken receives a customer at the summer cafe she and her friend Mari Foss-Flobak have opened in Engerdal in Innlandet. They got the idea to start the cafe when they both couldn’t find summer jobs. – First of all, we struggled to find a summer job, because Engerdal is a rather small place, says Risbakken. They had also seen a poster that someone had done the same thing ten years ago. The girls write down what the customers want and at the end of the day they add up the numbers. – We also have Post-It notes together with number slips, which we give out when they need some hot food in the kitchen, says Siri Vesterheim Risbakken. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news The girls made their own menu, with a little help from their mothers. – And then we thought we could start up, then, she says. In February, the only cafe in the city centre, Femundmat, announced that they were shutting down after four years. Now the girls run the only cafe in the village. This is the menu for the summer cafe that has opened. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news – Good opportunity The girls have a contract with the community center. 10 percent of what they earn every day, they have to pay in rent. The money they earn is paid to them at the end of the summer. – We think it is a great opportunity to be able to learn how to get some money. It’s a slightly demanding, but fun job, which I at least enjoy very much. We’ve bought everything ourselves, and then we sell it, says Foss-Flobak. Grandma Gerd Risbakken helps Siri Vesterheim Risbakken and her friend Mari Foss-Flobak. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news Lokalavisa Trysil-Engerdal first wrote about the girls. There have been many visitors in the last week. Grandmother Gerd Risbakken (74) is very satisfied with the efforts of the girls. – I found out that they needed some help. I’m retired, so I thought I could help them, she says. She says that the two young people arrange all the food themselves, while she helps with cleaning, washing, frying some waffles and brewing some coffee. Many people visited on Wednesday morning. The cafe opened on Monday, which is open from 10am to 5pm until week 31. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news Satisfied guests The mothers of the two girls often visit. – I think the learning curve was very steep on Monday, at least on the first day. So it’s very positive, says Gunn Vestrheim Risbakken She helps the girls with the finances. – We are very proud, as parents. That they then want to work. Because we think that is very healthy. Get some experience. And at least they have got that to the highest degree now, says mother Risbakken. Mothers Linda Nathalie Foss and Gunn Vesterheim Risbakken made the trip to the summer cafe, where their daughters have started their own summer jobs. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news A couple of cabin owners are also satisfied with the offer. – There was a period when the cafe further away was open, and then it was closed. Then it’s nice that someone can take it up and get a cafe offer here in the center of Engerdal, says Guttorm Kristiansen from Eidskog. He thinks it is a good initiative. – All credit to those girls, he says. Kari Hokksund Kristiansen and Guttorm Kristiansen from Eidskog have a cottage in Engerdal. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news Wants a cafe in the center Mayor Tor Erik Skramstad from the Conservative Party also visited. He is satisfied that someone has taken the initiative to start a cafe in the center of Engerdal. Mayor Tor Erik Skramstad (H) in Engerdal made the trip to the cafe. – I think that is very tough for such young ladies to do, he says of the offer. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news – There are a lot of people here, and it’s a good meeting place. For residents, and not least for those who drive past, and cabin owners and a little bit different, he says. He hopes it can continue. The municipality has just over 1,300 inhabitants. – I understand that they are going to school in the autumn and such, but I hope someone sees the opportunity to start a cafe themselves, so that it becomes a year-round business. That would have been incredibly good. Siri Vesterheim Risbakken says the two will consider it, since it has so much traffic. The girls might want to work in the cafe more. Photo: Viktoria Hellem-Hansen / news – If we get to rent the community center, then it could be very possible that we will at least do it next summer, and maybe a little bit else too. Published 19.07.2024, at 14.06
