Sindre Finnes promises more share details for the week – but withholds some details – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– He wants to contribute to transparency about his share deals where relevant, says lawyer Thomas Skjelbred. Elden Advokatfirma is in dialogue with the stock exchange and the banks regarding the release of all data on Finnes’ share transactions. – Contrary to what has been claimed in the media, it is no easy task to retrieve this information 10 years back in time. It has proven both time-consuming and complicated to obtain, collate and quality-assure this information, despite very constructive dialogue with the financial institutions, says Skjelbred. Withholding some details More detailed information has been requested regarding Sindre Finnes’ share transactions, including times and sums. But Skjelbred says that detailed information about individual transactions is considered to be personal information that is not relevant to being able to assess Erna Solberg’s competence. He explains to news that what he believes is relevant is what the Storinget’s Control and Constitution Committee believes is relevant. – It will mean which shares are in question, i.e. companies. What volume, and what price. Then you will get a market value and you will get the relevant information needed to assess Solberg’s ability, says Skjelbred. – Which transactions have been made we believe have a side to other questions, about the legality of this, and insider information is not relevant to assess the competence, he says. – So that means that detailed information about individual shares is still considered to be personal data? – To the very highest degree. And it is in no way desirable that it is only information that lies and flows publicly, he says. – Why not present everything so that there is no doubt about the competence? – Finnes will share the information that the Storting’s Control and Constitution Committee believes is important for assessing Erna Solberg’s competence. There will of course be a dialogue with the committee about it. But to simply publish all information about his finances and stock trades and that it should only be out in the public domain, that is not reassuring or justifiable, says Skjelbred. The control committee’s Grunde Almeland says that their prerequisite is that Erna Solberg and Sindre Finnes share as much information as possible. – The specific assessment of what is personal information and what is not, and therefore must be omitted, is somewhat subordinate for the control committee. Our condition is that Erna Solberg and Sindre Finnes share as much information as possible so that we can do our job. Then Finnes himself has to assess how much he can spend. But our clear request is that he shares as much as possible, says Grunde Almeland in the Control Committee. – Will take time – But as we have tentatively said all along, it will take time – despite what some claim in the media, says the lawyer. Euronext, Nordnet and Sbanken/DNB will initially deliver extracts of their data to Elden Advokatfirma for the period October 2013-October 2021 which will at least show: Which securities Sindre Finnes has invested in (Companies/Products) How many securities Sindre Finnes has owned (Volume/Number) What the market value of these securities has been (Price) – As soon as the extract is available, it will be made available to the Storting’s Control and Constitution Committee. This will probably not happen until the end of next week, says Skjelbred. Finnes has made a total of more than 3,600 share transactions during Erna Solberg’s term as prime minister. Økokrim has stated that they are currently investigating whether there are grounds for opening an investigation.
