Sindre Finnes bought shares at the same time as Erna Solberg was prime minister – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Erna Solberg’s husband Sindre Finnes admits to E24 that he bought and sold shares during the period Solberg was prime minister. Among the around 20 companies Finnes owned or traded shares in were the salmon giant Mowi and the arms and technology company Kongsberg Gruppen, the newspaper writes. – The few purchases and sales that were made during this period I tried to do in accordance with the handbook for political management, Finnes tells the newspaper. Owned shares in several companies Finnes tells E24 that he had conversations with then government adviser Nina Frisak about the shares he owned when Solberg became prime minister in 2013. – I then sold shares in several companies, and informed the office about which shares I kept. He explains to the newspaper that he reduced his activity in the stock market “significantly” during the time Solberg was prime minister. In 2014, news wrote a case that Finnes would not share information about where he owned shares. – There are no regulations for me to provide that information, Finnes said then. news then knew that Finnes had, among other things, invested in Norsk Hydro. There he owned shares to a value of just over NOK 60,000. According to E24, Finnes had shares in 14 companies in 2014. In 2015, the number was down to 13, but in 2016 it had increased and Finnes had shares in 16 companies. Does not answer insider questions Finnes bought and sold shares throughout the period Solberg was prime minister. – The few – compared to the time before and after she was prime minister – purchases and sales that were made during this period, I tried to do according to the handbook for political management, says Finnes to E24. He does not answer the newspaper’s questions about whether Solberg ever shared inside information about the companies he owned.
