Sindre Finnes bets on stock market decline the day before corona restrictions – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

In the period between 3 and 9 September 2020, Sindre Finnes bought 110,000 certificates of a product where you can make money if the Oslo Stock Exchange goes badly, writes VG. On 10 September 2020, the government, where his wife Erna Solberg was prime minister, announced that there could be frameworks in the corona measures. Among the things that were considered was limiting the number of people who could be present at public events and limiting the opening hours of catering establishments. VG writes that they do not know what Finnes lit or lost on the trades during the period, but in a reply to the newspaper he writes that the attention and media pressure means that he is not able to function as normal now. “This means that it may take time before you get answers to all your questions. I hope for understanding that this is a tough time for our whole family, and would like to repeat that I am incredibly sorry that I have put Erna in this situation”.
