– Simply horror and horror – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– Now everything has fallen down. The power has simply gone out. In the whole stadium, commented Andreas Stabrun-Smith on news’s ​​radio broadcast. The images disappeared on TV 2’s broadcast and the viewers did not catch the news, while news’s ​​radio broadcast continued as the system switched to mobile data. TV 2’s expert Ole Einar Bjørndalen lashed out in frustration with his arms on the stand and the big screen went black. – Everything is gone. This is simply horror, commented Stabrun Smith. Tarjei Bø came in to shoot while the power was out. By then it was dark to the targets, but he shot a full house. – It is quite special. Everything is in black, and it’s quite dark over at the dials, says Lunde 14.55. IBU’s press manager Christian Winkler runs into news at full speed. When asked what happened, he quickly replies: – This is going well, the race is going ahead. Out on the track, the coaches stood and understood nothing as they did not get any intermediate times on the timer system. – Now I can only say that the power has gone out and that it is dark in the stadium. So then you just have to work from shooting times. It may be a little darker on the discs, but they have good vision so we hope it goes well, says national team manager Per Arne Botnan, who is on secondment post along the course. The race was never stopped and now the power and TV images are back from Ruhpolding. – Now there was music again in the stadium, and there was light on the discs again, says Lunde Vetle Sjåstad Christiansen leads from the fourth shooting and has a lead of five seconds over Slovakia’s Jakov Fak. Johannes Thingnes Bø is in third place, seven seconds behind Geilingen, despite two misses.
