Silvio Berlusconi admitted to the intensive care unit – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The 86-year-old is being treated in the intensive care unit of the heart department at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan. Reuters and the Italian news agency Ansa report this. Berlusconi is said to have been taken to hospital after breathing difficulties. According to Ansa, the family has visited him in the hospital. – He is admitted to the intensive care unit due to a problem related to an infection, but he is conscious and talking, Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani told reporters in Brussels. In and out of hospital Berlusconi was last admitted to hospital on 30 March. The ex-prime minister has been hospitalized several times in recent years, and has struggled with late-onset injuries after contracting covid-19 in 2020. In 2016, he had heart surgery, and he has had prostate cancer. Journalists outside the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan took pictures as a car with dark windows left the building. Photo: GABRIEL BOUYS / AFP Controversial He was Italy’s prime minister for three terms, from 1994 to 1995, from 2001 to 2006 and from 2008 to 2011. He is also the majority owner of the companies Mediaset and AC Milan. He also owns a large part of Italian media. Berlusconi resigned as prime minister for the last time in 2011 when Italy was in a debt crisis, and has been the protagonist of a number of political scandals, such as the much-publicized bunga bunga parties. Karima El Mahgroug, one of the women who participated in the bunga bunga parties, has written a book. Photo: Claudio Furlan / AP Prosecutors accused Berlusconi of bribing young stars and others to “keep quiet and lie” about the sex parties that became known as “bunga bunga” parties. Berlusconi says it was about elegant dinners. He was accused of paying witnesses to lie in a previous trial where he was accused of paying for sex with a 17-year-old nightclub dancer. He was initially convicted, but was acquitted on appeal, because the court did not find it proven that Berlusconi knew she was a minor. A conviction for tax evasion got him kicked out of the Senate. Berlusconi in 2011. Photo: Gregorio Borgia / Ap Criticized Zelenskyj Last year he returned to the Senate after the elections in September. Berlusconi leads the right-wing party Forward Italy. Together with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy and Matteo Salvini’s League, the party forms the country’s government. Berlusconi has also caused controversy in recent months with his criticism of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi. This has, among other things, led him to clash with Meloni. Meloni wishes him a speedy recovery on social media. – Sincere and loving wishes for Silivo Berlusconi’s speedy recovery, she writes. Journalists have gathered outside the San Raffaele hospital in Milan where Silvio Berlusconi is admitted. Photo: GABRIEL BOUYS / AFP
