Silje (37) had to have her uterus removed after the corona vaccine: – I have lost a part of my life – news Nordland

– At worst, I thought I was going to bleed to death, says Silje Anette Braa. news has told about several women who have had changes in their periods after taking the corona vaccine. 159 women have applied for compensation for such ailments. One of those who faced major challenges is the 37-year-old mother of two from Bodø. Just one month after taking the vaccine, Silje Anette Braa began to bleed unusually heavily during her period. After a few months it got worse and she started bleeding every single day. Braa tried hormonal IUDs, birth control sticks and up to several hormone supplements to stop the bleeding. But nothing worked. Braa eventually had to use a diaper. It also allowed her to measure how much blood she lost. Over a period of four to five days, she lost two and a half liters of blood and was hospitalized due to anemia. The bed eventually became a place where she spent much of her time. – I couldn’t get up without blacking out. The children expressed great concern and told her that they were sick of seeing her like this. – I was terrified of bleeding more because I was afraid I might die. However, the turning point did not come until she became ill. ON TRIP: Silje Anette Braa on a trip with her family. Photo: Privat Did it for the family – Suddenly the whole house got sick with vomiting, and instead of vomiting I fainted, she says. She lay unconscious on the bathroom floor for several minutes with her son and husband present. – It was traumatic for them. They thought I had died. Then she said that the family had suffered enough. Braa made the decision to remove the uterus. – It was not an easy decision, but it had affected the children so much. Silje’s doctors believe the bleeding could be from a muscle knot that she had on her uterus. But she has had this since 2014. MORE: During last year, Norwegian Patient Injury Compensation (NPE) experienced a large influx of cases from young women who had experienced menstrual disturbances after taking the corona vaccine. Photo: Morten Waagø / news Not an unusual side effect At the end of last year, after more than 12 million vaccine doses had been given, the Norwegian Medicines Agency had registered almost 15,000 side effect reports about menstrual disorders. 810 of these messages are classified as serious. – Mainly it applies to longer or unusually heavy bleeding, explains Guri Bårdstu Majak. She is a gynecologist and section leader at the gynecology department at Oslo University Hospital. Majak further explains that such disturbances are not unusual in connection with vaccines. – Menstruation and the uterus are closely linked to our immune system. If the immune system is exposed to stress, either through an infection or a vaccine, it can affect the uterus and menstruation, says Majak. – For example, by the body trying to clean up the uterine lining so that it is healthy and nice for possible fertilization. According to Majak, this applies to all vaccines. That there are so many cases in connection with the corona vaccine may be due to the fact that it was given to an unusually large number of fertile women. She further emphasizes that there is still much they do not know about the menstrual disorders linked to the corona vaccine. But there is a lot of research into it, including in the USA. DON’T BE AFRAID: Gynecologist Guri Bårdstu Majak says they are not afraid to recommend the corona vaccine for fertile women. Photo: Kristin Granbo / news – In addition, the corona vaccine has proven to be extremely effective. Thus, it can produce a stronger immune response than other vaccines, says the gynaecologist. – But it should be said that disturbances in menstruation usually go away after one to two cycles. But Silje Anette Braa suffered, as mentioned, with heavy bleeding for a long time. Important to report from Guri Bårdstu Majak does not wish to comment concretely on the case of Silje Anette Braa. But the gynecologist explains that bleeding disorders linked to other problems in the uterus, such as a muscle knot, tend to occur most strongly at the end of the woman’s fertile period. – And a disturbance in the body, such as a vaccine, can affect this, says Majak. Bårdstu Majak wants to emphasize the importance of reporting menstrual disturbances, even if one might think it has natural causes. – If you have unusual bleeding over one or two cycles, or if you have bleeding after you have reached menopause, it must be taken seriously, says Majak. Had to pay a high price Silje Anette Braa believes she paid a very high price by operating on her uterus to stop the bleeding. – We have always wanted a third child, but now that train has passed. Becoming foster parents, she admits, is a small comforting thought she has now. – I even have a friend who has offered to be a surrogate if needed. But she is now unable to carry her own child since she has had her uterus removed. Now, like 159 women before her, she will apply for compensation through Norwegian Patient Injury Compensation. She wants to thank the hospital and the staff who have helped her through the tough time. – I have been met with great empathy and understanding throughout. The hospital has been fantastic to deal with, says Braa.
