Sigve Bremset (21) will be laid to rest today after a collision in the center of Steinkjer – news Trøndelag

The funeral of Bremset takes place in Steinkjer church today at 2 pm. – It is a very heavy and sad day. It’s clear. It is very heavy for many, and many are with us in our thoughts. That’s what parish priest Gunnar Einar Steingrimsson says. He will lead the funeral in the church. – Fortunately, this is not something that happens every day. But when it’s a young person and how everything is around this, it makes everything very special, says Steingrimsson. Parish priest in Egge and Steinkjer Gunnar Einar Steingrimsson. Photo: Sigrun Hofstad / news Will not hate the perpetrator Sigve’s father, Hallgrim Bremset, has written a memorial to his son in Steinkjer-Avisa. There he emphasizes that the family will not spend energy on hating the perpetrator, but that they will focus on the good memories of their boy. – We are grateful that no more lives were lost this night, he writes, among other things. – A bottomless sorrow Bremset was at home on Easter holidays in Steinkjer when he was hit. He is survived by his mother, father, three adult brothers and grandmother. The 21-year-old was very active in sports and outdoor life and had a large group of friends in many environments. He had a great ability to care for those around him, the family writes in a memorial. The local environment in Steinkjer has been affected by the death. Many had laid flowers at the crime scene in central Steinkjer following the tragic incident. Photo: Eivind Aabakken / news The evening after the death, there was a commemoration at the scene where many people laid flowers and candles. A significant number of people then got together to hold each other, support each other and remember Sigve. – It is completely unreal and it is a bottomless sorrow, Anne Berit Lein, mayor of Steinkjer municipality, told news. – We feel that many people embrace us and show us enormous care. This is what we want everyone in Steinkjer to know, writes Sigve’s father in the memorial. Mayor Anne Berit Lein at the scene. Photo: Eivind Aabakken / news The armed forces stand with guards of honor Soldiers stand guard of honor at the entrance to Steinkjer church during today’s ceremony. Bremset worked in the Armed Forces, specifically in the Artillery Battalion at Rena camp. Battalion commander Mats Dyrstad says the time after they received the news of death has been special, and that the Norwegian Armed Forces have now lost a great talent. – He has not been with us for long, but early on showed great talent both professionally and as a leader. We wanted to offer him further leadership training in the Armed Forces. Dyrstad says they wanted to give the family peace of mind, but at the same time tried to show care. They have also had contact related to practical matters – both at Rena and in connection with the funeral. – In what way is the Armed Forces represented during the funeral today? – Virtually everyone in his department at Rena, battery Piraya, is present. In addition, there are a number of representatives from HV 12 (Trøndelag Heimevernsdistrikt), with whom Sigve was closely associated. Lieutenant Colonel Mats Dyrstad was Sigve’s commander in the Artillery Battalion at Rena. Photo: Sigrun Hofstad / news Charges have been increased A man in his 30s was charged with negligent homicide after the incident. The police gradually increased the charges to premeditated murder and two attempted murders. The man is also charged with driving while intoxicated and driving without a valid driver’s license. – The investigation in recent days means that we now believe we have a more precise picture of the sequence of events. Witness statements and video surveillance have strengthened the suspicion that it was a deliberate act. Based on this, we have sharpened the charge to cover intentional murder, and attempted murder of two victims, police attorney Line Dreier Ramberg in Trøndelag police district has stated. The police do not rule out that the charge may be further changed as the investigation leads to new information. Sigve would not have wanted you to be sad, his father writes in his memorial. Photo: Private – Do like Sigve and live happy lives! In his memorial to his son, Hallgrim Bremset writes about everyone’s responsibility to make Steinkjer a good place to live. He ends the commemorative speech as follows: “After a dramatic event like what happened at Easter here in little Steinkjer, it is easy to think that you must be careful about going out and meeting in pubs or other places to enjoy yourself. You may think that you have to show respect for Sigve and us in this way. Sigve would not have wanted you to be sad. He was a happy boy who wanted you to have as much fun as possible. Give each other a hug and feel free to go out on the town. Do like Sigve and live happy lives!”
