“Side om side” gives up after ten years – news Culture and entertainment

Many have developed a relationship with the characters and their slightly chaotic lives in the Granli neighbourhood. Since 2013, “Side om side” has gathered Norwegian families in front of the TV screen at weekends. The comedy series has become a smash hit and is considered the most watched comedy program in news’s ​​history. – It’s been very nice all the way, and it’s extra fun that we’ve managed to create a viewer success, says project manager and creative producer, Sigmund Falch. Sigmund Falch is seen as the father of “Side om side” and has been part of the production since the beginning. Photo: Photographer: Eigil Korsager In the spring, they will record their last season, and the “Side om Side” adventure thus ends with a hundred episodes. Falch reveals that the tenth and final season will get an extra episode, as it would bother him to end the series with 99 episodes. – Was like a springboard Why the series is now paying off, there are several reasons. – We have a rich enough universe to be able to create several seasons, but at some point we have to end. The actors in the series have become better known over the years, and have become busier with other assignments. It is also natural that they want to do other things after so many years, says Falch. He also directs a thought towards the neighborhood of Røa in Oslo, which deserves to have its street back after many years of barriers, camera equipment and news cars. The “Side om Side” production in the neighborhood of Røa. Here, a scene with Vidar Magnussen and Henriette Friis Marø is recorded. – I guess they will think it will be nice to finally get some peace, he says. Actor Vidar Magnussen has not been able to process the thought that the “Side om side” era will soon be over. For him, the role of Jonas Kvåle was a stepping stone into the industry. – The others had established careers, while I came from Bergen with a few theater roles to show for it. I needed a job and wanted to try my hand at television, so I had accepted the role anyway, he says. – Has Jonas Kvåle influenced you in any way? – Yes, half and half. I am probably the most unlike him, but the reaction pattern in my life is quite similar. I can be both confused, shy of conflict and easily inflammable in private too. Jon Almås and Vidar Magnussen play neighbors and rivals. Through nine seasons, he remembers one episode in particular that he didn’t feel very comfortable with. – It happened that what was written in the script was a bit too rough, and in this episode Jonas had poor sperm quality. It was so embarrassing and felt completely wrong. Things happened in that episode that weren’t very family friendly. I hope news removes the episode from the online player, he says and laughs. Vulgar cliché Tore Sagen had little acting experience when he agreed to play Frode Pedersen in the series. He wasn’t sure if the concept was for him either. – Sitcom was a scary genre I associated with “Courage in the Chest” and “Holms”, and it was not something I identified with. But there were so many fun people involved that I gave it a chance, he says. Tore Sagen in the role of the somewhat childish family man Frode Pedersen. And the comedian has no regrets. – It has been great fun to be involved. We have recorded one season a year, where we started at Easter time and finished in the summer. It has been a very nice spring tradition. He doesn’t have many bad memories from nine years of recording, but there is one scene in particular that he will never forget. – I remember when Pernille and I were going to have a row. We drove on top of a pillow case outside the house – but the scene was not included because it was too vulgar. So there were ten shots with raw lining to no avail. Tore Sagen and Pernille Sørensen play cohabitants in the series. Bad running technique Actor and comedian Pernille Sørensen also remembers the day when the married couple Frode and Lisbeth had to work like animals on the pillow case. – It was a strange recording day, and it almost felt like an assault on both the characters and the pillow case, she laughs. Sørensen also remembers the episode where Lisbeth was supposed to take part in a village race, as one of the worst recording days. Pernille Sørensen in the role of Lisbeth Berg. – Lisbeth was supposed to have a bad running style, so I had to run around with an ineffective running technique and hyperventilate all day. It was so tiring, and I got so dizzy from it, she says. She will miss the production team that has worked together since the beginning, and the camaraderie with all the actors. But the role has left its mark on her. – I can’t wear blue-checked shirts anymore, because then I’ll be Lisbeth right away. I don’t wear crocs either, no matter how comfortable those shoes are. Houses bought for the recording Falch can reveal that the scenes at the families’ homes are recorded in a slightly different way than one would think. All the scenes were recorded on different floors – in one and the same house. The brown house, which in the series is the home of roommates Jonas Kvåle (Vidar Magnussen), Silje Helgesen (Henriette Friis Marø) and daughter Alexandra “Alex” Helgesen (Alma Günther), was bought by news to record “Siden om side” . At home with Jonas Kvåle (Vidar Magnussen), Silje Helgesen (Henriette Friis Marø) and Alexandra “Alex” Helgesen (Alma Günther). – The fact that news buys a house for a TV recording has never been done before, says Falch. He says that the house is becoming very run down, and that it is still uncertain what will happen to the house after the recording. – It needs to be refurbished before it can be used for something else. It will probably be demolished – unless a keen “Side om Side” fan wants to buy it, he says. The last season of “Side om side” will air on NRK1 and news TV in autumn 2023.
