Shrimp fishermen reach settlement with insurance company after shrimp trawlers sink – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– It is very nice that it is now over, after two years of struggle. It’s a victory for me, says shrimp fisherman Henrik Sørensen. In 2021, his shrimp trawler caught fire outside Moss. After the fire, the boat sank to the seabed. Sørensen was later accused by Havtrygd and Gjensidige of having caused the fire. They believed he had committed serious insurance fraud, and therefore refused to pay out the insurance sum of NOK 2.9 million. This summer, Sørensen sued the companies to get the amount paid. This week, the parties entered into a settlement in court. Now the insurance companies must pay Sørensen NOK 3.25 million in compensation. – They have been driven from redoubt to redoubt in this case. In the end, they had to give in, says Sørensen. Moss Avis mentioned the settlement first. Henrik Sørensen has argued with Havtrygd and Gjensidige for two years about how the fire on the shrimp trawler started. Now they have entered into a settlement. Photo: Jan Egil Sandstad Charged with fraud Claims manager at Havtrygd, Bjarte Wallevik, writes in a text message to news that they and Gjensidige are happy to have reached an agreement that both parties in the case can live with. Before the lawsuit was brought, the companies believed that Sørensen himself caused the fire on the shrimp trawler. They believed he had placed a large gas bottle in the cabin at the front of the boat before the fire started. Sørensen has throughout denied having done this. The gas bottle was found in the cabin, near the toilet, after the fire. The cabin is completely burnt out, while the lower part of the gas cylinder does not have as visible burn damage. Sørensen has denied all along that the bottle was there Photo: Gjensidige and Havtrygd’s report The companies eventually reported him for gross insurance fraud, and asked to be paid NOK 1.6 million to cover the expenses they had incurred following the sinking. The report was initially dismissed by the police. The companies complained about that to the state attorney. Now the case has finally been dropped. Havtrygd and Gjensidige later withdrew the fraud charges. – It is very nice to be able to refute the erroneous claims that they have been making all along, says Sørensen. Shrimp trawlers were totally damaged after the fire. It was later destroyed by the insurance company. Photo: Rescue boat “Elias”. Can’t afford to start again Even if he is eventually paid NOK 3.25 million, he has no plans to return to the shrimp fishing profession anytime soon. The shrimp trawler was insured for NOK 2.9 million. In total, the quarrel with the insurance companies has cost Sørensen NOK 700,000. In addition, another boat has taken over his former sales place in the marina in Moss. “Unfortunately, that means I can’t start up again,” says the former shrimp fisherman. For the record: Henrik Sørensen lives with one of news’s ​​journalists who works in news Oslo and Viken. The journalist in question has not contributed to the work on this case.
