Showed respect by greeting with the hand on the chest – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– On this day everyone should be happy, but then it was destroyed. That’s what the mother of one of the boys who, two weeks ago, didn’t shake the headmaster’s hand at a diploma ceremony for 10th grade in Oslo says. – The headmaster started pulling him, and wanted to force him to shake hands. So he began to walk backwards, and the headmaster began to speak loudly “We live in Norway. You are the parents. You have responsibility”. The mother tells news that what was supposed to be a day of joy took an abrupt and unexpected turn. The incident was filmed and has gone viral on social media. The principal has subsequently apologized and told news that as an adult she takes responsibility for how it all turned out. – He is just a child, he has not done anything wrong Both students and parents had turned up on this day to witness the proud moment where the 10th graders were to receive their diplomas. Three of the boys who were to receive their diplomas did not want to shake the headmaster’s hand, and instead put their hand on their chest. The mother says that she was surprised when her son did not extend his hand to greet the headmaster. – I was very surprised, because everyone in the family shakes hands. But he showed respect by putting his hand on his chest, which is also a way of greeting, she says. SURPRISED: The mother of the boy who was filmed says that her son showed respect by putting his hand to his chest Photo: Nadir Alam / news – Someone has written and said that your son and the boys are extremists. What do you say to that? – He is just a child, he has done nothing wrong. It is his freedom not to shake hands, says the mother. She further explains that both she and her son reacted to the principal’s immediate response, and that the day was “ruined because of her reaction”. – The reaction of the principal was very unexpected and exaggerated, says the mother. A few days after the incident, the principal sent out an apology to parents at the school. In his apology, the principal writes that the video has been cut and edited. – Many people filmed that day, the videos have not been edited. So I don’t think her apology was done properly. I wish the school would call to talk to us about what happened. – Our boys are the victims in this situation. news has also spoken to the sister of one of the other boys who was involved in the incident. She says that the last time has been difficult for the family and the boys. – The comment fields are ugly. There are threats and links to terror, she says. The sister questions the fact that lines are drawn for both misogynistic attitudes, extremists and terrorists whose boys with a multicultural background do not want to shake hands. HARD: The sister of one of the boys involved says that the last few days have been hard for the family Photo: Nadir Alam / news She believes that it is “not unusual for young people in primary school not to do what you want”, and that a incorrect picture of the boys. – These are good boys, she says. She also says that the incident was not planned on the part of the boys, and that the situation that arose was a “shock for everyone”. – Whatever the background for this step, the headmaster should be professional enough to raise the matter in private with the student in question and the parents, and not in front of the whole assembly, says the sister. Notice case against the principal A few days after the incident, a notice was sent against the principal, and last week a letter of concern was also sent in, as a result of her response. There are several teachers who have submitted the report of concern to the principal. VG mentioned the case first. news has tried to get hold of the principal, but has not received a reply. In a previous case, the principal wrote to news that she had apologized and said that her reaction was too strong and confrontational. – Having said that, I do not agree that there were racist statements. I still think the message I wanted to convey when I addressed the audience is important. – The clash of values ​​between the young man’s need to express that, based on his convictions, he could not hold a woman’s hand, collided with my desire to confirm the recognition of 10 years of schooling. – However, the recognition that in this context it is my responsibility as an adult for how it all turned out is not difficult to accept, says the principal to news.
