Should you get tested for corona? – news Nordland

The matter in summary: Doctor and researcher Arne Søraas, leader of the largest Norwegian corona study, believes it is important to test for corona despite the authorities’ recommendations. Søraas argues that testing is important to detect corona, stop the infection and to be able to document the disease in case of long-term problems or claims for compensation. He points out that corona is a far more serious disease than other respiratory infections, both acutely and with regard to the aftermath. FHI believes that it is up to the individual to consider testing, and that the most important thing is to comply with the advice regarding respiratory infections in general. FHI emphasizes that those aged 65 and over, or who belong to a risk group, should be vaccinated. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Cough and hoarseness. Twist and turn. Test yourself? Or drop it? The authorities say you don’t need it. This causes the leader of the largest Norwegian corona study to react. TEST YOURSELF: Doctor and researcher Arne Søraas believes there are certainly good reasons to test yourself for corona. Photo: Torstein Bøe / news – Not getting tested means that we don’t detect corona. Unfortunately, this has a number of negative consequences, says researcher Arne Søraas. The doctor leads the Corona Study. He believes there are many important arguments for getting tested, as well as taking the corona virus more seriously. Are you testing yourself for corona? No, I’ve stopped doing that Yes, I test myself if I feel sick Show result Can cost you dearly Earlier in November, news mentioned that there are still plenty of tests being sold. This despite the authorities’ recommendation. Søraas in the Corona Study believes it is problematic that the authorities so clearly and clearly give a recommendation not to get tested. – Corona is still quite a serious disease. I think it’s unfortunate that the official advice is that you shouldn’t get tested, he says to news. Arne Søraas says their data base shows that corona is more dangerous than flu and cold diseases. Photo: Halldor Asvall / news – If you get corona, and subsequently get long covid, you would like to have the photo of that test, says Søraas and adds: – Otherwise, no one can document that you have had corona. Then you are in a weak position if you are to claim compensation. In December 2021, it was difficult to obtain rapid tests. It’s not as difficult now. Photo: Kai Jæger Kristoffersen / news The researcher elaborates on what he puts into it: – If, for example, you become infected at work as a doctor, nurse or as a teacher, it will entail legal rights if you have long-term problems. . It becomes much more difficult if you cannot document the illness. He adds: – There is a lot of research into treatment for long-covid as well, but if you don’t even know it was covid then it is not so easy for the doctor to treat long-covid afterwards. Important for others in society The doctor also puts forward what he believes is at least as important an argument for getting tested. Other people in the population. – The most important reason is to stop the infection. With corona, you should take completely different precautions compared to other diseases such as flu and colds. He emphasizes that through their own figures, and figures from abroad, they can establish that corona is still a far more serious disease than the other respiratory infections. Will, will not? Søraas believes there is little doubt about what you should do. Photo: Mathias Kartveit Mikalsen / news – As a researcher, it is my task to produce knowledge so that people can get good, knowledge-based advice. As head of, where we follow 150,000 Norwegians through the pandemic, we have both our own figures and international figures that show that covid has a much more serious aftermath than other respiratory infections. In addition, it is also more dangerous acutely, he says. – This knowledge has meant that many countries now give good advice to their populations and I hope to be able to contribute to Norwegian authorities also giving more knowledge-based advice than today. He explains that, among other things, they see that large waves of corona appear in excess mortality from, among other things, cardiovascular diseases in the months and years afterwards. – There are many reasons why corona is something completely different to flu and colds. Treating it the same is very unfortunate. – May be up to the individual FHI writes the following about testing: “There is no longer a general recommendation to the population about testing for corona.” FHI also writes: If you are ill and see a doctor with respiratory symptoms, your doctor will assess which viruses/bacteria it may be appropriate to test for based on your symptoms and your state of health. Since a number of viruses and bacteria can cause respiratory symptoms, and it is desirable to limit the spread of these, we recommend that you follow the infection prevention advice regardless of any test results. In any case, it is recommended to avoid unnecessary contact with people who are in the risk group for serious respiratory infections, and to stay at home if you are ill. Some people are particularly susceptible to serious illness as a result of respiratory infections. For these, it may be a good idea to take a corona test, and possibly start drug treatment in consultation with a doctor. People in certain risk groups are still recommended to undergo a corona self-test There are now effective drugs that can reduce the risk of serious corona disease, but the effect depends on treatment starting early after the onset of symptoms. People who have a higher risk of serious consequences from respiratory infections should therefore consider taking a corona test if they have symptoms. See the Norwegian Directorate of Health’s website for more information and guidance on current risk groups and drug treatment. If you belong to the current risk group: If you get symptoms, you should take a corona test at home. A positive test means that you should contact a doctor. In case of negative results but persistent symptoms, repeat the self-test daily for up to four days. Contact your doctor if you test positive or if your symptoms worsen. Further measures in the event of a positive test: If you have an increased risk of serious illness and a positive self-test, the doctor will make an overall assessment based on your age, time since the previous vaccine dose, as well as other risk factors to determine whether it is appropriate to treat with drugs such as Paxlovid. The diagnosis should be confirmed with a PCR test taken in the health service. news has submitted the criticism from Arne Søraas to FHI. Department director Are Berg replies to news in an e-mail that the important thing is that people adhere to the advice regarding respiratory infections in general: Stay at home if you have newly developed respiratory symptoms and feel ill. Are Berg at FHI says that the measures are the same for all respiratory infections: – Ergo, the purpose of testing is not that great – for most people. Photo: Folkehelseinstituttet – It is not correct as Søraas says, that we recommend not getting tested. It must be up to the individual, writes Berg. Furthermore, he points out that the danger with a large focus on testing for corona can lead to the general advice not reaching out widely enough. – We can risk that many people with respiratory symptoms and feeling sick will go out and infect others if they test negative. Influenza is also a respiratory disease that makes many people ill, leads to many deaths and hospitalizations. In addition, Berg emphasizes that the other important piece of advice is that those aged 65 and over, or who belong to a risk group, should get vaccinated. Vaccination is still recommended for several people. Photo: Hallgeir Braastad / news – We have clear advice to test yourself for corona if you are in the risk group for a more serious course. Especially the elderly, since they can reduce the risk of serious illness by seeing a doctor and assessing whether there is reason to start tablet treatment.
