Shots fired during police action against German right-wing extremists – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The police have taken action in seven different states in Germany, as well as in Switzerland. The action has its background in the investigation of the far-right group Reichsbürger. It was during a raid in Reutlingen in Baden-Württemberg that it became dramatic in the morning hours. A man, who has the status of a witness in the investigation of the far-right group, opened fire on the police. A police officer from the special forces was slightly injured in the shooting. The man who shot surrendered and was arrested by the police on suspicion of attempted murder. Since this autumn, the public prosecutor has investigated more than 50 people around the businessman Heinrich XIII Prince Reuss. 25 of these have been imprisoned for planning a coup d’état. Several in the Reichsbürger movement are supposed to be former police officers and soldiers, according to ARD. In today’s operation, the police were looking for, among other things, illegal firearms. A total of 19 people were searched and the police made over 20 discoveries, writes the German newspaper Welt. Neither the police nor German prosecutors will comment on the action in Reutlingen for the time being, but they say there should be no danger to neighbors or the population in general. Indicted for coup d’état In January, five people from the movement were indicted for high treason in Germany after planning an armed coup d’état in Germany. They were arrested last year and are still in custody. According to the prosecutor, their plan was to create chaos by cutting off the electricity in the country. At the same time, they wanted to establish an alternative government in Germany. Heinrich Reuss is referred to as a leading figure in the movement, and refers to himself as Prince Heinrich. He was arrested in Frankfurt. Photo: Boris Roessler / AP In addition, they are said to have planned to kidnap Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach. The coup plans were laid in the middle of the corona era and the far-right were dissatisfied with the strict corona rules. Also last December, similar plans were revealed by another wing of the Reichsbürger movement, which wants to restore the German Empire.
