Shots fired by a police officer in Bodø – news Nordland

The police in Nordland inform that this morning what appears to be an accidental shot with one of the police’s service pistols has been fired. The shot was fired at a car dealer in Bodø. The police officer who disposes of the service pistol is employed at Bodø police station. The police officer was in uniform, on operational duty and on assignment. – Norwegian police are now temporarily armed, so all operatives are armed, police station chief Robin Johnsen told news. – But do officials have enough training in handling weapons when something like this happens? – We have a good system for approving and conducting maintenance training for operational skills in the police, including weapons. But when such an incident occurs, we must of course look at the routines to see if this is good enough and if all instructions have been followed. The incident happened at the Imaas car dealership in Østbyen in Bodø. Managing director, Kim Harry Andreasen, confirms this to news. – It is clear that it is serious. We’d better let the investigation take its course. He does not wish to comment further on the incident. Taken out of service The Special Unit in the police has been notified. No one was injured as a result of the accidental shooting. But there must be some material damage. The police are on the scene to secure evidence, but the further investigation will be left to the Bureau of Police Affairs. As a result of the incident, the employees at the car dealership are followed up by their own employer, and the police test person is followed up by their employer. The wet shooting has consequences for the police officer. – I would like to say that he notified the immediate supervisor himself immediately afterwards, and is temporarily removed from operational duty until further notice, says the police station chief. – How serious is this? – I think such an incident is one too many, and it is of course serious. And now in this situation it is good that we do not have more injuries than we have, but this is serious and should not happen. He does not want to speculate on whether police officers will need more training in the future to use weapons. – It is a bit early to conclude, but we have a good system to ensure the use of operational weapons, but of course we have to look at the reason why this happened.
