Shortage of seed potatoes – large increase in potato farmers in Norway – news Nordland

In the spring and summer, it is time for Norwegian farmers to plant the potatoes, which will be harvested in a few months’ time. But it is not only farmers with large fields who are going out with the seed potatoes. A survey Norstat did for Felleskjøpet this spring showed that seven out of ten Norwegians think we should produce more food ourselves. The potato joy has led to challenges. There are simply not enough seed potatoes to get hold of. – We can confirm that there has been such a great demand for seed potatoes this season that we have run out of stock at several departments. That’s what Sigbjørn Vedeld, senior communications advisor at Felleskjøpet, says. Norway’s population has spoken: We must produce more food to increase the degree of self-sufficiency, and we would like to learn more about growing some of the food ourselves. Photo: Morten Andersen / news The stores ordered too little Vedeld admits that their stores in northern Norway have simply ordered too little, compared to how many seed potatoes people want. But what exactly is a seed potato? Yes, simply explained, it is a potato tuber that is planted out to produce new plants. It is therefore the use that primarily distinguishes it from a food potato. It is also smaller in size and has sprouts. When the nights are frost-free, from the beginning of May and preferably before St. Hans, you can put the paws in the ground. If you’re lucky, one seed potato can produce approximately 20 new potatoes. Not only in the north, but throughout the country, Felleskjøpet sees an increase in sales. A 17 percent increase in sales from last year is the result for all stores throughout Norway. Just what makes people want so many seed potatoes this year, there is no simple answer. – The high demand probably has several explanations. Both last year’s good potato year in the north and Felleskjøpet’s focus on increased self-sufficiency are probably part of the reason behind this. Our customers have clearly opened their eyes to growing potatoes, says Vedeld. He believes that Norstat’s survey on self-sufficiency is a clear sign of this. – More than half of the Norwegian people answered that they would like to learn more about growing their own food. The interest in home cultivation is definitely present. Dina Fonn Sætre and Henning Andreas Holand in the potato fields on Engeløya in Steigen. Photo: Open landscape Potato farmers: – Hugely positive! In Steigen in Nordland we find Fonn Holand Gård. Henning Andreas Holand (40) and Dina Fonn Sætre (34) run the potato farm on Engeløya. Together they won “Farmer of the Year” in 2020 for their potato farm. They themselves have contributed by releasing seed potatoes via Felleskjøpet, and think it is nothing but positive that Norwegians want to cultivate their passion. – It is very positive that people have become aware that we have a low level of supply, and that we need to grow more ourselves. We are one of the countries in the world with the lowest level of supply, and this is an important step for change to take place, says Dina Fonn Sætre. Do you eat potatoes? Yes, potatoes are the best side dish I know of😃! No, it’s not good at all😬! Don’t know because I’ve never eaten a potato. Show result She believes that people should know how to grow vegetables themselves. In that way, people get a better view of how difficult it can be, and what kind of challenges the farmers have. – Everyone who has children should grow their own potatoes, so that they understand where their food comes from. Fonn Holand Gård does not sell seed potatoes this year, but they have had no shortage of requests during the spring. – We have received many more requests than before, and it is interesting, says Henning Andreas Holand. Published 10.06.2024, at 16.36
